New LCD monitor advice ?

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New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by Chrisax »

I'm going to build a new system this summer. :D

It will be a nice one (more on that later) but I'm still wondering about the monitor. For work, I use expensive things that wouldn't be really appropriate for playing games or everyday use, and I must say there is quite a big lack of information around about the real quality of monitors.

I'm looking for I think a 24 inches (not less, could be more).

If you have any idea, suggestions, return of experience, or even links to something serious and consistent reviewing monitors, let me know here! And thanks! :D
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Re: New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by noobas »


You're making me jealous already!

I play on a laptop. It is a G73 Asus, but still... I think it's only got a 19 inch screen. NERF! BAT! NERFBAT!
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Re: New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by Axirillon »

He he, 19" is quite big for a laptop, think I'm at a 17", which is fine for something thats aprox 50 cm away from my face ;). Back on topic, well Chris it depends on what you yourself would prefer I spose, it's all about set up though, intending to use it to watch movies? Distance to screen? Position? It all boils down to one thing though, what you would like best.

- Axi

P.S. sorry for not popping in on a regular basis but I've just finished this schoolyear and now just cleaning up the last few things, I might pop in again soonishtm
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Re: New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by Chrisax »

Glad you are done with schoolyear, Axi, and that you'll be able to play more soon. :)

Indeed, Noobas, a 19 inches screen for a laptop is pretty big already. Actually YOU are making me jealous there.

As for my future monitor:

- it will stand on the desk (very large and solid desk, custom built by myself, no space issue at all: initially it was made for two 20 inches CRT monitors, two towers, a scanner and a printer, and a ton of papers and books)

- I'll sit on the chair in front of the desk, nothing special (my back could use a new chair though, I guess)

- the desk is large enough to allow me to position the screen at the best distance for me and even to possibly move it back if I wanted to watch full screen videos.

- I don't worry about built-in loudspeakers... they are just trash anyhow and I won't use them, so NO loudspeaker is perfect.

- What I'll do with it:
. of course regular stuff: word processing, desktop applications,...
. playing games: AO of course, other Online games (testing with AP in mind), real-time strategy games when a good one it out (doesn't happen often), not really FPS or just to have a look
. watching movies: I have a (relatively old now) TV for that but it would be really handy to use the PC too
. graphic applications, mostly things like the things I do for AP (web, wallpapers, etc); for professional-level colors control I have monitors at work, so I just need to be able to properly set the colors on the monitor (usually they come with awful settings) and have a good display but I don't need a Barco screen, or even an Eizo! :). I can always get a color calibration system from work to set my home monitor correctly.
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Re: New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by Axirillon »

How about visitors? If it would be just me working/watching than the screen of 24' should be more than enough, but if I'd have company I'd like a little extra so I can just move back a bit grab a(some) chair(s) fer me mate(s). But for working ends I don't like my screen too big, too big a screen makes my eyes tire. ./scratch well if you can adjust the distance at will I'd say the bigger the better ;), as far as I know size doesn't affect the quality nor the durability of the screen, not sure about power usage but that about covers all aspects I'd worry about when buying a screen, hope it's been of help to you.

- Axi
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Re: New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by Chrisax »

Axirillon wrote:How about visitors?
Visitors?! I never have visitors... Well I had some but they don't move anymore... :chain: :crazy: :twisted:

Seriously, the computer screen is for ME. I'm not going to ask anyone to watch a movie (or anything lasting long) with me on it. It's solo.
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Re: New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by Hundfu »

If money isn't a subject, you should go for an apple monitor:

-2560 x 1440 resolution
- 1 ms reaction

Probarly the best monitor out there.
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Re: New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by Hyde »

Let us know what you get and how it works for you. My 24" HP monitor is starting to wash out and I'm going to be in the same boat.

I was going to upgrade my PC (same one I had when I quit playing AO ... that old), but I maxed out to 8GB RAM, upgraded my vid card to a Nvidia 560ti, and found a hardware mod (electrical tape ftw) that let me boost the CPU from 2.4GHz to 3GHz ... feels like an all new machine again. So the $500 or so I didn't spend will probably go to a monitor.
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Re: New LCD monitor advice ?

Post by Chrisax »

I'll let you all know, of course. :)

I know I won't spend the money for an Apple 27 inches (which looks very nice). First because I didn't plan on spending that amount for the screen; second because I must say that Apple's policy and philosophy in many domains annoy me now (/Fuze-like mode on). Although Apple belongs to my personal computer story: my first computer was a second (err... third) hand old Apple 2 and I owned several Macs.

The system I'm going to be build will be expensive... :evil: Buts as I explained, put aside computers for work, it's what I do: build a big system and not changing it for years and years, except minor variations if really necessary. I have no time to often perform changes at home. (You would be scared to see how old my microwave is.) But actually, at the cost of a big investment at start, I save money over years. That's me though. (The whole method would awfully fails though if the equipment was not reliable.)

If I have the time, I'll post about the system when I build it. I hope I won't make anyone jealous though. :(
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