Transfer A to B

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Transfer A to B

Post by Elrojo »

Hey guys,

So I ordered my new laptop.

Now the issue is going from A to B. i.e. moving things so they are kinda as was. but cleaner.

Any way you guys suggest I do this or just transfer folders to external HDD and then HDD to new laptop. I assume I can just pick up and paste AO root folders and prefs etc.

I kinda dont understand how the create a back up image works.

Is there some software that makes this easier or not really?
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Re: Transfer A to B

Post by Chrisax »

1) Specifically for AO: AO doesn't install itself in Windows' registry*. AO just put its files on your hard disk. You can just move the folders to any other location, any other disk, or any other computer. One thing you need in the case (it's not your case) you move it to a less powerful system, is to change the settings IN the launcher (settings button) before you start the game itself, or it will try to run with impossible settings.
Select the folder containing all AO folders, usually called "Funcom", copy it, and transfer it as it is to the new location / system.

* the registry is a kind of human-unfriendly database where a TON of information, variables, parameters, and settings are stored by Windows and most applications made for Windows.

Programs like AO are called "portable": they can just be moved from and to anywhere by copying their files.

2) Regarding data, it's usually as simple as copying the folders to the new system. Use an external HD, or USB sticks (slower). (The Acronis program mentioned a bit below can help with this but it is doable manually.)
(A possible exception are files that contain a path to some other files, as this path won't necessarily be valid on the new system. You have to try.)

3) Regarding your whole HD with the Operating System, applications, data, etc. it's another story.

There are programs allowing you to create an image of the disk to duplicate a disk onto a new identical one if the old one is dead or onto the old one again if it was just after an error but this is on the same system in the case of an incident on the HD.
Acronis True Image is most excellent at the job.
In this case, you -theoretically- have nothing to reinstall but it's on the SAME system.
You can't create an "image" manually: it's more complicated than copying files. It's an in-depth, low-level process, playing with the operating system itself.

BUT this is another thing if you want to move to another system because a copy of your old Windows install just can't work "as it is" on a new hardware. This is because a lot of things have been installed specifically for your old hardware! drivers, registry entries, etc.

At best, Windows will panic and tell you that "new hardware" has been detected and will ask for the installation DVD / CD to try to adapt itself.

At worst, it will miserably fail and just won't work.

Quoting Microsoft
Microsoft wrote: You can restore a system state backup from one physical computer to the same physical computer or another computer that has the same make, model, and configuration (identical hardware).

Microsoft does not support restoring a system state backup from one computer to a second computer of a different make, model, or hardware configuration. Microsoft will only provide commercially reasonable efforts to support this process. Even if the source and destination computers seem to be identical makes and models, there may be driver, hardware, or firmware differences between the source and destination computers.
You may find some programs claiming they can move a Windows install to another system. I know none that is actually working flawlessly and without being a hassle.

It's MUCH faster and SAFER to make a clean new install of everything, and then just copy data (and "portable" programs if you want).
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