Known Issues v0.9

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Known Issues v0.9

Post by Chrisax »

Known Issues v0.9 ... php?t=7332
This 0.9 version is more 'rough' than normal patches. It's important for us to get this update out and test the fixes and changes we have done. The issues we are aware of are being addressed and will be fixed in a new patch.

** Only "say" chat is available for this version.
* Creating a new character may cause the client to crash on the faction selection screen.
* You may experience a small drop in performance when entering the barricade to the Sheriff's Office in Kingsmouth.
* If your character dies on a ladder, your character will stand in the T-pose while dead.
* The /stuck command does not always recognize your character as being stuck. If you are stuck and this command does not work, try using /reset to suicide your character, use your Agartha Conduit, or contact Customer Service via the ingame /petition command.
* Characters may sometimes appear to be below the ground on other player's screens.
* You cannot climb ladders in Anima form. If you die on top of a building accessible only by ladder, you will not be able to reach your body.
* Some users may see corrupted ground textures after playing for several hours.

* Seoul - Some cinematics have a beep sound before the start of the audio.

* Some computers may experience abnormal lag and performance issues.
* Upon patching the client, you may get a "file reputation warning" prompt from your antivirus program.
* Tessellation may cause some distorted texture issues in some camera angles and in some cinematics.

* Male character's shoulders appear detached during the opening cinematic.
* Run animation does not display when moving forward immediately after opening cinematic.
* The faction selections turn grey if user attempts to reselect/change faction multiple times.
* Faction logos may show a yellow graphic artifact behind them during character creation.
* Shadows are not rendered in character creation until you change graphics settings.
* Logging out to the character selection screen from the game causes lighting to not display properly on the selection screen.

* Characters do not display an idle animation after jumping.
* Moving after casting your Agartha Conduit causes your character to display the casting animation again.

* Multislot items are not yet supported.
* Duplicate clothing items you buy are listed on the ui until you zone, then one vanishes from the list.
* Pressing the Wear or Alternate button while having multiples of the same item causes the wrong item to be checked off.

Hell Raised
* Machine Tyrant rubberbands during his fight.
* Succubus character model stretches during animations when viewed on low graphic settings.

* The group ui cannot be moved or hidden.
* If loot options are changed, group members are not notified.

* Flying icons do not appear during combat.
* Some longer text passages, such as translations in other languages, display as cut off on computer interfaces or on some weapon ability tooltips.
* Although you can see 8 slots under Gear Management, only 5 are available.
* Switching gear profiles will place your unequipped items into the first available inventory slots.
* Clothing vendors do not indicate to the player which items have been previously purchased.
* Closing and re-opening the mission journal when any mission detail is expanded will prevent the GUI from being expanded properly once the journal is re-opened. Attempting to expand the journal from this point will sometime cause the client to crash.

* Selecting the mission giver icons in quick succession will cause the mission text to disappear.
* Several npcs have missing eye or eyebrow animations during cinematics.
* You can be attacked while viewing a cinematic.
* Your equipped weapon may flip or move around during certain cinematics.
* Some have reported being stuck swimming in a dark playfield after character creation. If this occurs, make a new character.

* Some new Dragon characters will start in the wrong version of the Seoul playfield. (Workaround: Simply follow the kid instead of following the map marker until you reach Tokyo Future, once returning from Tokyo you will be sent back to the proper version of the Seoul playfield).

The Dawning of an Endless Night
* Player can become stuck in the cinematic when locating Norma Creed for tier 2.
* Beaumont's notes have no text during tier 7.
* John Wolf's audio and animation are out of sync for the tier 10 cinematic.

* Norma Creed's cinematics have missing assets, and sometimes an extra head.
* If player's are caught by Orochi guards while playing in first person, their character may be come invisible. (Workaround re-log to fix your character)
* The Hunger - The Voracious Wendigo does not spawn at the bones.
* Something Wicked - It is not clear how to use the ravens to complete the puzzle.
* I Phone Home - Mission description does not reflect the actual location of the PDA.
* Rolls Downhill - The cinematic where the courier gets attacked can cause the client to crash.

The Savage Coast
* The Black House - Some have experienced issues with the urn not being present and the basement of the house remaining on fire.
* The Black House - The onscreen visual effect during tier 3 can be seen by other characters in the vicinity.
* Nicholas Winter does not appear as a mission giver on the map.

* Ground Zero is shown as a repeatable mission in your journal.
* Sometimes all shadows will disappear in Tokyo, causing the lighting to look very bright.

* Activating an NPC's incidental dialog from a distance disables all other incidental dialog on that NPC.
* Kingsmouth - Some Draug abilities have placeholder names.
* New York - Kirsten Geary's mouth is not synchronized with her voice during her cinematic.

* Some building may appear invisible when viewed from far away while playing on Low Preset graphic settings.

* Some textures on buildings in London are not displayed properly.
* London - Running from room to room in the Temple Club after talking to NPCs will cause the player character to rubberband.
* London - Mannequins in Pangaea can appear to warp from lying down to standing as you approach.
* Kingsmouth - There are some invisible Brood Pods and Incubators.
* New York - Combat Holograms may appear gray on low graphics settings.
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