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Post by Elrojo »


I was trying to get this multiboxing thing working, what I miss are the scripts...

Anyone know of a good website or can make some?
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Re: Hotkeynet

Post by noobas »

The scripts are insane easy to build

I read the how to section on the website itself, it took me 1 hour to have a script up and running and having my toons pew pewing.

the thing that takes longer is figuring out what buttons you ACTUALLY use when fighting, then getting all your other chars hotkeyed.

I'll post my script to you tonight, but you can start prepping but assigning keys.

Just as a note: some profs are easy, others are very hard.

HARD: crat, doc

EASY: everyone else.

So, here's a basic rundown of how you need to set up your hotkeys:

First, choose which char you want to lead on (either crat or doctor, imo), then everyone else you just make assists for, so for me, lets say I'm playing politico, grind42 and jetson (this is my most common trio)

/macro kill /assist politico and I put this in number 4 slot (but bound to "3") on hotbar one, this is the MOST used hotkey in your repertoire

assign all specials and the assist to "3" <-- this is your uber spam key, you'll press 3 seventy thousand times. you can also assign some perks or a nuke to this

NExt, assign your perks I always put my chained perks on "2", so, cleave+transfix, pistol perk 1+pistol perk 2
I ALSO assign all fast AI perks to 2.

Next, I do my heavy hitters and big damage perks (pain lance, SnD, pistol perk 3) I bind these to "E" on enforcer, I bind mongo to E.

Then I look at on keeper I bind insight for example to "4". On engi, I bind NSD/DVP slot to 4 as well, if I'm using Bobdc, I bind energize and the other soldier team damage perk to 4 etc, when I use fixer, I bind team hot to 4. On doctor, I bind Team LC to 4. on enforcer I bind single taunt to 4.

So, 4 I only press a few times, at the beginning of the fight etc.

now, you got a few options left.

So the only other buttons I really like to use when I fight are:

R, T, F, and 5. Which isn't a lot, so, I use these for defences

First I clear T from target, otherwise you end up with stupid target screens up on all your toons.

So I usually bind R, T to major and minor defences, ie, R for limber+coon say, and T to bigger defences, like DOF, devotional armour, BR, etc.

when you play doctor... you have to do a heal assist key. I've got heal assist bound to E but I'm not convinced it is the best key, however, because mongo is also key E, it works nicely, if you alternate spamming E and BI key , say.. R, then agg the assist key will bounce around targets but should ultimately end up on the tank and his target. Since you can't heal mobs, by alternating E/R eventually you'll heal the tank (it usually only takes 2 times spamming them and you get a heal off).

Anyway, there's some stuff to think about, start processing your hotbars, and tonight I'll get you a script.
" I Don't Like That Man. I Must Get To Know Him Better." -Abraham Lincoln
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Re: Hotkeynet

Post by Chrisax »

... and save your preferences regularly... losing hotbars is already bad normally but in those conditions, it's the nervous breakdown guaranteed. :twisted:
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Re: Hotkeynet

Post by Elrojo »

yes I do now. In fact the guide says to make a new install file to have a multibox set up and then a normal solo set up. Not a bad idea.

What I realised is now the prefs are saved in /user/appdata/funcom so when you start a "new" install you need to copy and paste the prefs into the new folder. Then you can play with hotbars to your liking.
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Re: Hotkeynet

Post by noobas »

Bump since a few people are asking about this stuff lately.

There's basically only 3 parts of writing a script:

Part 1 - labelling your windows

<Label MP local SendWinM Anarchy Online - Chrisax>
<Label Engi local SendWinM Anarchy Online - Mechanos>

These lines do 4 things:
1. Tell hotkeynet what you want to do (make a label which will be used in subsequent lines of code - in this case the labels are: "MP", "Engi")
2. Tell hotkeynet where to find the window (in this case, it's local, as in the same PC that's running the program)
3. what to do when the label is called (SendWinM, which sends the keystroke to non-focus windows (i.e. everything behind your main window)
4. Identifies the Windows which are being labelled (i.e. Anarchy Online - Chrisax) - you can see the window name when you play in windowed mode.

Part 2 - setting up your hotkeys

Hotkeys, simply, are the keys which are recognized by the program. You can do all your keyboard if you want, but you really only need a few:

here is a very small selection: (1-3, q, w,a,s,d, f, space, tab) you could manage with this many if you needed, but I use r,t,f,g,c,x,v,y,u,i,o,p,j,k,l, shift, F1-F6, and 4-0.

Don't use more unless you have to. And when you're starting out, keep it as simple as you possibly can until you're sure that you want to complicate things (complicating your code means 1 minute of changing code and 1 hour of checking why it doesn't do what you wanted it to do).

So here's a very basic hotkey set:
<hotkey 1-3, q, w, a, s, d, f, space, tab>

This tells Hotkey the keys you want to program to recognize (in AO, you will recognize some of these, ie. you use WASD for movement, tab to cycle thru enemies, and space to jump. 1-3 you should know correspond to slots 1,2,3 on your active hotbar and q to start/stop combat. f I've included because you should bind "follow" to f.

Part 3 - Commanding hotkeynet to send the hotkeys

This is the most "codey" bit here, but honestly it's not that bad.

First you need to tell Hotkey where to send the command:
<sendpc local>
Next, you need to tell hotkey which windows to send the command to (remember that we relabed them, so it's easier to select them now:
<sendwin MP, Engi>
And finally, we need to tell hotkey what to actually do
%Trigger% tells hotkeynet to send the KEY YOU JUST PRESSED.

you can change this, but I don't recommend it, for example, you could tell hotkey to send a different keystroke anytime you pressed a key - this would get very hectic and could result in infinite loops which crash PC's and stuff.

Sooo, if chris made a script to play his engi and MP at the same time, it would look like this (this is, as I said, a very simple script):

<Label MP local SendWinM Anarchy Online - Chrisax>
<Label Engi local SendWinM Anarchy Online - Mechanos>

<hotkey 1-3, q, w, a, s, d, f, space, tab>
<sendpc local>
<sendwin MP, Engi>

And, to use this script he would:

1. launch AO, and choose the char Chrisax to play
2. launch AO again, choose his second account and choose mechanos as his second char
3. start up hotkeynet the program (I put mine on desktop)
4. Start up notepad
5. copy the script I just made and paste into notepad then save it to his desktop
6. press: load script on hotkey
7. choose the script he just saved
8. click the "turn on hotkeynet" to activate the program
9. alt tab so the chrisax window is the main one (you can lead on whoever you want, but having more than 1 toon you usually lead on gets tricky for making assist macros and stuff)
10. press any of the hotkeys and watch both chars execute them

Notably, hotkeynet works best for combat type stuff, so I'd recommend going to a backyard to test stuff out, even better would be somewhere like ely where mobs take more than 1 hit to kill but won't destroy you if you mess up your code.

And that's it for the scripting part, the next thing is to key bind, and the key binding part is easier, but also significantly more complex.

Part 4 - The basics of keybinding

To get functional, in the most rudimentary of ways, you only need to bind two keys and do two things.

1. make a macro so your slave (mechanos) assists your master (chrisax) /macro kill /assist chrisax put your macro on the (active) hotbar of your slave in a prominent position (you can change it later)
2. key bind your macro to a key that you've selected as one of your hotkeys (lets say, "3")
3. key bind a special (say fling shot) (either on the hotbar, or directly) to the same or another of your hotkeys (lets say, "2")

now, on chrisax, run up to a mob, press Q
press 3, now mechanos is assisting (but not attacking)
now press 2, now mechanos has launched fling shot and is now engaged in combat and chrisax is too.

You can bind many specials and perks and /pet attack to one key, so you can run up to a mob (or player) hit a key twice and dump your whole alpha on them, debuff them, and send your pets to attack.

I personally have all my assist keys bound to 3, as well as all my specials, and /pet attack. On engi I bind NSD (for PVP) and DVP (for PVM) as well to 3. on keeper I bind wrath, cleave and transfix to 3. On soldier I bind suppressive horde and tracer to 3. etc.

On 2, I bind many AI perks
On 1 I bind many higher SL perks
On e, I bind all area heals and team heals
On 4, I bind many perk buffs and nano buffs, as well as mongo and Team life channeler, and all short recharging defensive perks (I fire all off/def perks and buffs as I run into battle)
On r, I bind /assist and top nano heals and targeted perk heals.
On f, I bind a /macro follow /follow (to utilize, press F2, F then all your toons follow the leader of the team)
On T, I bind all longer recharging defences, but this doesn't work very well.

Etc. So the tricky part is deciding in game what you want each button to do. Script=easy, keybinding=hard.
" I Don't Like That Man. I Must Get To Know Him Better." -Abraham Lincoln
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