Application for Harli

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Baby Leet
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Application for Harli

Post by Harli »

Greetings Athen Paladins,

I am submitting an application for your approval. I don't really know which character I consider to be my main as I enjoy most of my characters equally, however, here is a list of the characters I will bring to the table.

213 Crat - Accountant
205 Sold - Bealzabub
189 Shade - Chaotyc
182 Doc - Mezcla
181 Trader - Harliquin
163 Agent - Harli
160 Fixer - Zoomah (This toon is currently in a friends org for city ai raids)
150 Fixer - Tiphoid
150 MA - Tylynn
162 Engi - Thrays
142 MP - Catiara
165 NT - Elystre
55 Trader - Tadder

I believe that covers the list of my characters.

A little about me. I started playing AO at launch and played for about 3 years. I later came back a year or so later with a new account (both of my current accounts actually) and played for a few months. I've recently come back to the game, approximately 2 months ago, and have been intensely addicted to this game once again.

I have been in 2 other organizations since I returned to the game. The first being BA, and while they where a nice bunch of people, I didn't feel they where a good fit for me. I moved to VA after that, however left recently due to lack of membership within the org.

I enjoy many aspects of this game, but nothing gives me more of a rush than pvp, which I hope to get better at.

My play times vary, I am in mountain time, USA, and probably spend more time in game then I should, but as mentioned before, I'm addicted.

So in conclusion, I can be reached on Accountant as that is the character I am currently working on getting to 220. I look forward to receiving a response.
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Re: Application for Harli

Post by Elrojo »

Hello Harli/Accountant,

Please Read our Code of Conduct and also org Chat recommendations (if you have trouble with these please have a chat to an officer with any concerns) ... p?f=8&t=69 ... p?f=8&t=68

Next two steps are in AO:

Join our guest channel in the game, you can contact any AP member or officer, and tell him/her you posted and application and ask for a guest channel invite. You'll find usually AP's at the Vanguards big building ramp near Old Athen grid.

If you can't find an AP for a bot/chat invite, please try to send me (Chrisax) a tell. Or ask some officer (only a few names here)
Chrisax / Mekanos
Eltankjoo / Elsneaky / Elhealj00 <- those "00" are zeros / Elspeedy / Hermesconrad
Grind42 / Bobdc
Jetson /politico / front242
Nanomace / Macer36
Tommypinetti / tommysoldja
Maycrat / Mayhemdealer / Havendoc

We will have online, as soon as possible, a small interview with you.

See you soon in game! :)
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Re: Application for Harli

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Accountant :) Welcome

We already have a friend of yours in our applicants, Gateshade, as you know.

Elrojo told you what you had to know and, now, let's meet onliine ! :)
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