Pillar profs needed

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Pillar profs needed

Post by noobas »

I've noticed lately we're running a bit shy of enforcers, doctors and crats lately.

With the recent influx of players returning and the prior outflux of other players it has inevitably changed the prof distribution in AP.

I can't speak for euro timezones, but in Pacific TZ (i.e. California) through to aussie/NZ TZ's, we have an overabundance of non-integral profs (dominated currently by advies), and we're lacking severely on crats and enforcers.

I've been playing my doc a lot, and doctoj00 (Visne) is getting geared up quickly so he'll soon be in a prime position to be raiding even the toughest raids (beast, 12m, DB3).

Spanz has a crat and I've got a crat, but besides us I don't think there is another person who even has a crat rolled in this timezone. Spanz *could* help with his crat but he's pretty busy running AI raids, and then even if he is on in NZ/Aus time it's 12AM or later for him so he's not reliable either.

Then when it comes to enforcers, we got exactly zero. Boomer isn't technically in our timezone and he's not on reliably enough to be available for planning due to it being like 1AM-4AM for him.

The obvious issue here is enforcers.

That basically leaves:

Me on doctor or crat, Doctorj00 on doc, and no one on enforcer (the account I used to use for 220 raiding is expired), then a whack of people on toons that can't contribute effectively towards completion (let alone confidence to start) content.

I *could* level my 200 enforcer but I'm not really keen on this given that I have gone to a lot of effort to build a decent org twink for S7 service, and furthermore it wouldn't really help because I don't want to play 2 pillar profs at once.


Whoever is in the NZ/ aus Timezone - or whoever plays in this timezone, please consider building an enforcer or crat or even doctor as your next toon (As always, I can help out with gear acquisitions and twinking, but as always the majority of effort will have to be undertaken by the roller).
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by noobas »

Got some seriously sexy response in game:

Stokken rolled a doctor (crazidoc I think)
Deugh rolled a enf (Boycee I think)
I rolled a enf (Tankngank)
And Metaa rolled an enf (ashandsmash)

We blasted all the mobs in nasc over about 45 minutes and all leveled to 20-25ish tonight (yum).

I'm also going to add a crat to the mix at level 100, and we'll pick up the level 70 soldier (Anarchyyy) and get him on the leveling train

As well I think stokken has a 34 crat already rolled that he may want to pick up. no matter what way you cut it... a few words and some bored people with no raiding opportunities is all you need to get people motivated!

Basically we should arrive at 220 in about a month if everything goes to plan, and within 2 months or so we should have a FULL regiment of new pillar profs ready to go.

I think one of the deugh mentioned he had a 211 crat so we may need to do a bit of convincing and then we should basically be completely sorted for pillar profs in the timezone mentioned.

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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by stokken »

sorry cant use crat as its on same account as doctor , can do keeper he is on other account
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by Dargrin »

Is this still an issue? I would play a crat or an enf as main if we need it if I can get some help leveling.

I'm CST btw, so not quite your time zone but not an issue on the weekends.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by noobas »

stokken wrote:sorry cant use crat as its on same account as doctor , can do keeper he is on other account
Sorry to hear this, but keeper as well is a very reasonable addition to the platoon.

It's not too big an issue I think, anyway, because even if 1 out of the four of us (me excepted) gets to 220 and gets moderately geared up, we can do a bit of cash injection/raid injection and just blast him up to endgame, as long as we got AI 20 and highest taunt proc (1 level 10), even 1 enforcer will make a substantial difference in our capabilities. Adding a crat to the mix would be really cool but not entirely necessary due to there being at least a couple crats around.
Dargrin wrote:Is this still an issue? I would play a crat or an enf as main if we need it if I can get some help leveling.

I'm CST btw, so not quite your time zone but not an issue on the weekends.
Dargrin, I will never tell anyone what to do, but I won't try to pull the wool over your eyes either. Maintaining MP as your main will be an exercise in frustration due to popular perceptions, and the inevitability of low DD, no 'necessity' debuffs, and inadequate support healing. With those three main areas that an MP toolset actually involves, you're basically just playing the waiting game for disappointment.

AP (Chris) and Spanz particularly with his AI raids, and others such as myself running DB2 runs and DB1 runs for armour are not fussy in who attends - this is the benefit of such a great org, and if the entire game was only based on what happened within the org in a way it would be totally fine for you, but even then, when we start getting to the high end raids, the real high end stuff - DB3, you'll start noticing a severe drop off in availability in spots (I mean zero) for non-ideal classes; and externally, it'll be the same, except that the drop off will come for nearly any content: DB1/2/12m, Pande, APF... which will mean it will become increasingly difficult to complete content and find the items you need to get to endgame.

When I first started AO, waaaay back in 2003, I rolled a froob enforcer, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work - I didn't understand why my HP kept dropping when I used mongo, and I hated that all mobs attacked me when I casted it, furthermore it was so difficult to find a decent weapon! I thought the class was broken, so when University became more demanding I didn't have a hard time dropping the game. In 2006 when I decided to give it another shot I took my experience of the previous class to heart, and I rolled an MA. An MA, it turns out isn't a bad first prof, IF you stop at 150 to farm S10. Well, I was 153 before I learned about S10, so that meant I was suffering through build/cash inadequacy from TL5 right on to high SL levels. My DPS was crap, I could barely function in offtanking and I had zero money to do anything about it.

The only, THE ONLY thing that saved me was a fellow who said:
"how much money do you have?"
"buy CRU, sell everything and keep buying CRU and keep raiding until you have enough money to do what you need"

Well I did, and with over 300 AI deaths, I can tell you that I suffered, but I learned how to raid, and it turns out that is probably the one area that MA's truly excel.

So what's the point of this story? Well the point is that MA's are pretty shitty in other areas. MA's can do "OK" DPS, but really only sub-par DPS in a PVP setup. Because for a long, long time I was more interested in PVP despite having an inadequate setup, I never bothered with exploring DPS options, such as duel nunchaks etc. So I was never a useful addition to teams who were raiding.

The point is this: it took me three years to build my first 220. It WOULD have taken me 1 year if I had chosen enforcer, soldier, doctor or crat. The initial setbacks I encountered when I played in 2003 were merely my own ignorance. If I had stuck with that account and upgraded it I would have been much, much happier, and I would have got so much more wealth building opportunities.

The current state of the game is hard to understand, since there is a diverse mix of people some of whom are on the race track to produce as many 220's as possible with nearly endless wealth, with another significant portion of people who are returning to game and are in some stage of endgame completion with very few alts. It doesn't matter where you fit in in this regard, but what I will say is that since you already have earned a bit of money attending Spanz' city raids, and the option is there to attend more and earn something, this is a great boon, because someone else in your position in another org may feel excluded or almost shunned for bringing a lower SL level toon to a raid.

Don't let AP's overwhelming acceptance usher you to a feeling of false security and self worth in exceedance of your profs real value. The real nasty truth is that MP's are of dubious value currently, and without any hesitation I would tell you that if I were you, I would immediately and irrevocably decide to roll a crat as my main. Crats are in demand in the org, are incredibly fun, complex profs to play, are beastly DPS, have loads of tools, and have the BEST debuffs in game. Basically, they are without a doubt one of the strongest profs in game, i.e. a Pillar.

There are four pillars, and even now, the 4th one is more of a vague representation that some people think is important, but it really is not.

The 3 MAIN profs are: Doc (heals), Enf (tank), Crat (DPS/debuffs) [the pretend pillar is soldier (tank/DPS/team dmg mitigation)]

After that... everyone is just some fraction of the others: MA (DPS/debuffs), Trader (DPS/debuffs), MP (DPS/support heals/debuffs), agent (DPS/tank/debuffs/support heals), shade (DPS/tank/debuffs), etc.

But none of them do the job that the pillars do, like, if you put a fraction of worth on each of them they'll never add up to what the value of each of the pillar prof does in his particular forte.

Anyway, DPS profs are needed, but there is a huge , HUGE overabundance of them currently both in org and in game which forces them out of the 'needed' slot, especially since doctors heals are so strong that they can heal AND dps, and enf can tank AND dps, and crat can debuff AND dps... so the actual DPS need is significantly diminished in some cases.

All in, if you decided to reroll you would be making a wise decision for two reasons: 1. you'll have an easier time getting what YOU need, 2. you'll be capable of helping the org say... 50x more than you would with an MP if you took both to endgame. (that is not an overstatement, that's real. If someone said, lets do content X, and you said "yes" on Crat, you'd have a 50x higher chance of making that content happen than if you were on MP and said "yes". Sad, but true)

So, that's my honest breakdown. If I were you I'd level a crat, and when you're 220, level up your MP so you can cast composite mochams, then steal all his money and park him at vanguards and wait for people to ask for MP buffs. (this part is a bit of poke at MP's and a joke btw)

Note: All of these above is based on CURRENT build. With the MP changes coming there may be some hope for them, but basing prof choice on a build that hasn't been tested yet is a horrible decision in my opinion, based on FC's track record to date on getting the prof rebalance/system changes delivered.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by Dargrin »

First, let me say that was an AWESOME post. I like the truth. =D>

Second, let me say you described my AO life almost exactly. I started at early Beta. Each time I left AO for a break it was because of lack of groups. The lack of groups was due to my ignorance of AO and a sub par (post 200 for sure) class. Your story could almost be mine, but I'm stooopider.

I love every class I've played. The MP is my favorite mostly because its TOO DAMN HARD. If it was "easy" (WoW wise) I'd get bored. So changing classes will make no difference to my opinion of AO since I understand my circumstances. However, it's not either or. I have two active accounts. I will NOT multi box. That causes me massive burnout. I could, however, drag the MP around when able. I have purposefully put my Trader (177) and the MP on the same account for obvious reasons. On the other account is:

Doc 216
Eng 154
Fix 160ish?
Keeper 144
and a few other assorted folks. None of my toons can be considered appropriately equiped for their level. And I don't have enough credits to just buy my way up the ranks. Few if any class item quests are complete (again, back to stoooopid).

I believe a 145 (?) enf (essentially nekked) is on the MP acct, but I can move it. I don't have a crat above 40 that I can remember, but at one time I had 5 accounts :shock: so who knows.

To be perfectly blunt, I will play anything and love it as long as I get groups, help and especially if that class will be able to contribute to AP. I WANT to help. But with my limited knowledge and the MP being what it is, I usaually don't get to contribute much.

AI levels shouldn't be an issue with the constant city raids. If AP wants a crat or enf, I will do it but I need the comittment from leadership to help me. And I will be sticking with it as long as we do stuff together (my only real requirement to playing AO is teams / raids, it should be obvious I don't care about loot or levels). I don't mind playing the doc but am hesitant as it seems everyone has one (but nobody wants to play it) and there is little excitment about them.

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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by Dargrin »

I shouldn't add this about the doc as I don't want you to get any ideas, but -

In full disclosure I believe he does have some quests done. Alappa nano n shoulders 1, DB nano (I'm fairly sure on this), inf key. Maybe more. I haven't really checked him out since returning. His armor is probably 225 or 250 regular Ofab. I think I have him as MA, but just to make everyone ask "why?" :wink:

I know I did several instances where there is a boss that does several AOEs. When he does it, you have to run to a certain colored area and stand in it so you dont get hit. Been 2 years so I can't remember for certain and don't know why I was there. I do remember doing that many times though and probably got something from it.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by Elrojo »

MA doc is pretty cool, but so is a light sabre doc (rulzinthong was a good one). The +intel and SA is pretty cool. However melee sucks for PvP and also its sometimes hard to be efficient DPS in PvE when you have to be up the guys a$$ to hit him.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by Nic »

well I am back now with Drthunder, so hoefully that helps.

I do have an enf at about lvl 175 and a crat around the same, both on the same account, but I can switch one.

Maybe have enf and sol on one account and doc and crat on the other? would that work best?

After that I just need to get them to Inf and lvl like mad:)
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by Chrisax »

Dargrin wrote:I know I did several instances where there is a boss that does several AOEs. When he does it, you have to run to a certain colored area and stand in it so you dont get hit. Been 2 years so I can't remember for certain and don't know why I was there. I do remember doing that many times though and probably got something from it.
The instance you describe is Mitaar, see here:

http://www.ao-universe.com/index.php?id ... 2F&pid=438

In the Dust brigade instance 1, you also have to run to color altars but you don't stay on them.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by noobas »

Dargrin, based on your description of your doctor, to be perfectly honest, I'd start with him, or, start with your enf.

You said in game you wanted to work on your enf. That is good, and totally a fine pursuit.

You asked about requiring some help from management/the org, and I can assure youthat there will be help. Some help must come from being curious, inquisitive, and adventurous on your own. There are many, many resources available, and one of you BEST tools is the inspect function.

Whichever toon you choose, even if it is MP, AP will be here to help. But, as with all things, the more you help yourself, the more people will want to help you. In the same fashion of the old quote "don't cast pearls before swine" I will say that those who help themselves first, will find themselves gaining help to make them much stronger, as opposed to those who don't help themselves and complain about their state.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by Rulzern »

Elrojo wrote:(...) so is a light sabre doc (rulzinthong was a good one).
Was? Pfft!

And yeah, melee is a pain in the butt, but the DPS isn't gonna be horrible no matter what you go for, pistols are like 50k DPM better than anything else in an optimal setup, since when going pure DD you'll be busy casting pretty much all the time. PvP-wise the lightsabers are fun in that they don't require too much supporting gear to keep out of OE, and the SA is tons of fun when it (once in a blue moon) caps on someone.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by noobas »

Some resources:

1. The biggest baddest resource available (imo) is http://auno.org/ get signed up, and start building your setup, post so we can critique (this works for non-optimal builds and oldschool AO, generally speaking nowadays it's just Alphas/set of CC/Set of moly Jathos/DB armour/with the only real swap points being back/rings/utils/huds/perks)

2. http://forums.anarchy-online.com/forumdisplay.php?f=141 AO forums is always a solid choice for seeing what other people are doing - better yet, use clan PVP forums the most active one recently was bangbot.lc but soon chris will launch Clanside.

3. Really the best resource is available right here: AP forums and AP's in general. There is a wealth of knowledge right here and we can help you. The best thing to do is build a layout of where you're at (auno) and where you want to get to, and we can flesh out the best route to get there.

4. Other types of resources: i.e. guides and such, there's not better than AOU: http://www.ao-universe.com/index.php?id=14 I use this for all the quests and stuff I don't know.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by Dargrin »

As we know, I'm going with Enf. Right now he is bascially geared in Ofab ql150 armor and Mk6 2hb. My goal is to request help to PL him, if possible, to get him to Inf and then join org inf easies. I'm hoping that I can get him high enough to then beg and barrow some amor and a weapon until I can start having him raid with AP.

My immediate needs are:
PLing - Ado hecks probably
A guide to Perm and the Molar for Inf access
More PLing and/or A guide to Inf and saved in the garden

Having said that, Reaperman has been of great help and enjoys grouping with me with his Doc. We are using looking for heck groups / help. I think he would rather group with me with his crat. Blob(can't remember the rest of his name) also is grouping with us. The 3 of us are looking to get some levels. If for some reason we find it difficult to get higher level help, I would need to upgrade my armor within 5 levels so I can tank better. I'm trying to avoid that to save of creds.

I believe I am 161 as of now, which is great as I can group with 220s.

Anyway, I had great fun this past few days playing the Enf. Good times. I made a list today of the things I need to do, Nanos to blitzs, flags needed, etc. Ouch, its a long list.

And a big thank you to all that are helping. AP is awesome.
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Re: Pillar profs needed

Post by noobas »

Don't go to inf until you're ready.

I'd highly recommend:

* ado brain quest
* ado garden key
* ado sanct key
* Dark ruins (solo)
* Dark ruins (team)
Links to SL quests here: http://www.ao-universe.com/index.php?id ... +Guides%2F

If you do all of these before going to Penumbra, you'll have a decent setup, because quite simply you can't finish DR solo without a decent setup. (your setup right now is insufficient).

Then go to Pen, in penumbra I recommend:
* pen key
* pen sanct key (optional)
* penumbra quest (solo is easy)
* alappa (team/quest completion)
* Kill Ice golem and loot a molar

Once you're done the pen quest, you should be around 180-185 and be ready to tackle a tough run to inferno.

Before going to inferno you should aim to have completed/achieved/have:

* inferno boots
* 1000 token board (best if you have the triumphant double suns board)
* All bronto burger quests done (incredibly important for nearly every prof, with enf top absorb coming there) link here:
http://www.ao-universe.com/index.php?id ... 2F&pid=355 and
http://www.ao-universe.com/index.php?id ... d=&pid=357 (at least do Sargeant Marion Sweet's quest for treat board)
* All level 7 research complete and be working your way through level 8's
* AI level 20 bare minimum
* reflect graft (buy one or roll one and get it hacked)
* 6 slot belt, 500+ NCU, QL 300 infused viral compiler
* 2x alien augmentation huds (defence/combat)
* all utils filled (S10 stuff is fine), and a com relay
* Bazzits quest finished

More generally:
* at LEAST 12k HP selfed (15k for enf/keep/sold)
* full 225-300 armour
* QL 250-300 weapon (SE weapon is barely, BARELY sufficient, better for laughing at unless doctor/crat/MP)
* 1800+ AR

If all this stuff is done prior to arrival in inferno, instead of being the 160ish nub in team who dies in 1 hit, you'll be the 180ish nub in team who never dies and pulls some weight.

Once you're in an inferno mission, you want to be using a damage dumper. Basically if you can't do 100k DPM, you aren't ready for inferno missions.


This is the one I use, it's very easy to set up and has instructions online
" I Don't Like That Man. I Must Get To Know Him Better." -Abraham Lincoln
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