Buster RK only 1-?? leveling day

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Maxi Leet
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Buster RK only 1-?? leveling day

Post by besaidaurocks »

I was thinking on either a thursday or firday which are my normal days off we could arrange RK leveling day that I would be happy to lead.

THe play is to do only rk zone level 1-whatever we acheive lets call it 60. do only unusall spots with lots of mobs manually without kite like acdemy or newland dessert in large teams clearly in tandem. I thought about this while walkign thought newland there alot of fun unused zones.

The idea of this day is not to do fastest exp but rahter just have fun as mass of us killing. if we are large enough it might bring alot fun and advertsiment to new players to see a mass ap move towards while murdering all small creatures.

My zones i ahd played weere all qeusts in tthe starter area. follow by maybe few alien mission within. then followed by subway to lvl 20-25. then from them all outdoors zones if anyway can suggest anyone outdoors zones that were fun and intresting pre sl suggestion are reccomened.

My idea is the fun of mad 12 plus player scramble to kill large rhinomen camps undergeard for example. working as 2 teams of 2 or even 3 or 4 if ghet lucky competeteing for exp and mobs.

I will likely try bag up some basic gear like 3 betlsa nd such so we can take small breif 20 minute gear break but otherwise keep at it who would be done for that reply here.
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Re: Buster RK only 1-?? leveling day

Post by bitnykk »

I got froob NTs to PL any toon from level 6 to 125ish on various RK spots.
Using them when i really want to go quick over 100 ...
But sometimes i prefer to play a toon normal way ;)
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Maxi Leet
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Joined: Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:12 pm


Post by besaidaurocks »

Yeah power leveling is okay but idea is more effective fun mass exploration of never used zones while leveling like rhino men crayons which are packed with mobs and fun to explore. Far less about actually levels. Also some zones like fireman's or outdoor zones are better in mass groups
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