Recruitment Application for Talastrina

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Baby Leet
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Recruitment Application for Talastrina

Post by Talastrina »

Hello everyone =]

I'm Talastrina and I'm coming back to play AO again after a long, long time away. I played AO from launch until Shadowlands came out. I have a lot of very fond memories of AO and I'm hoping to rekindle my love of Rubi-ka and its story.

I don't intend to re-activate my old characters. I think it's best to start from scratch after so long, since the game has changed SO much. My original character was a doctor, and I enjoyed playing a support role for my guild. I like to contribute in guilds and in teams and do my best to be a pleasant, courteous, and helpful person. This time I'm going to be trying out trader so I can hopefully offer useful services and still be able to solo effectively.

I'm very excited to meet you all and to introduce myself. I hope I'll pass inspection and prove worthy for a trial admission. Please feel free to ask me any questions here, or ingame on my trader - Talastrina. I'm on a bit in the mornings and then again in the evenings, London/GMT time.

I've read your Code of Conduct and your Chat Rules and I accept them. You sound like a lovely bunch!
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Re: Recruitment Application for Talastrina

Post by Ustarlen »

Hi Talastrina

Welcome to the AP forums and thanks for your interest in AP, and most of all welcome back to AO!

Thanks for agreeing our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations can be found here for future ref:
The next step would be to join our bot as a guest to meet/team online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.
You can usually find AP members hanging out at the Vanguards ramp next to the OA grid. If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !invite This is a temporary invite, so please introduce yourself and ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a few days to contact you.

Some of the officers you can reach out to for help with queries or concerns are:

Bitnykk / Enginyk / Healnyk / Kynecrat GMT +2
Boomer / Bloodstripe / Iwojima / Shelbycobra / Corvettezr1 (General) GMT -6
Carequinha /Toughcrat / Toughenf / Reapermann (General) GMT -6
Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Crazi / Crazidoctor / Crazigank / Forsikring / Galehus / Stokken (General) GMT +1
Jetson / Noobasdoc / Noobastank (General) GMT +10
Ustarlen / Bellorum / Zanda (General) GMT+12

For time zones referred to above please see: ... _main.html

We look forward to seeing you online
Baby Leet
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:47 pm
Location: London

Re: Recruitment Application for Talastrina

Post by Talastrina »

Thanks =]
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