a fox's membership application to join AP (redone 2/11/18)

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a fox's membership application to join AP (redone 2/11/18)

Post by kitsune1982 »

=D> Hello there everyone, my forum name is Kitsune1982 and i am a long time player of AO, since the pre-notum wars/pre-froob days. I have been all around Rubi-ka and beyond from the ethereal surface of Jobe to the backyards of west athens all the way to the desolate barrens of the Wailing Wastes. I have journeyed for many days in search of a family of gamers who are mature, open-minded and welcoming of all players regardless of creed, religion and otherexwise. I have read your code of conduct charter and chat guidelines and i accept the terms of joining your org. right now i have one character in AP who recently joined feb 10th of 2018, Wintersbite.

I have over 22 years of roleplay experience and i have been playing mmorpgs since ao first came out as it is was and still is the only mmorpg that i never get tired of. I am a mature responsible player, i dont cause drama and i am open minded and willing to meet new people and experience new things. I hope to be accepted into AP and my alts are below,

- (12/0 Fixer)
- Last seen at: April 2nd, 2016 11:43
- (1/0 Nano-Technician)
- Last seen at: February 5th, 2018 14:57
- (1/0 Soldier)
- (1/0 Trader)
- (1/0 Soldier)
- Last seen at: February 5th, 2018 19:37
- (1/0 Adventurer)
- (1/0 Nano-Technician)
- (1/0 Soldier)
- (1/0 Adventurer)
- (1/0 Trader)
- (1/0 Fixer)
- (1/0 Adventurer)
- (1/0 Nano-Technician)
- (1/0 Nano-Technician)

- (1/0 Adventurer)

if you are wondering why with 22 years of mmo experience all the alts listed except Zoqi are level 1 it is because i recently did a character purge and after moving all my assets to a temporary character set i made to hold all my long earned items, i deleted the old stagnating characters and rerolled the old ones from scratch. they are still one and the same player, but there have been some major changes. for one, my character/player is no longer with zenof and he/she no longer plays AO anymore. i felt i should point this out so there is no confusion when the org officers read the updated thread. Also, Zoqi is not Zenof anymore. he deleted that character years ago and the character who the members spoke to today around 4 pm or so is now under 'new management' so to speak. I kitsune1982 am now the bearer of the character Zoqi. I hope the officers understand this and the new chain of events that have passed through the rifts of time over the past 3 1/2 years.

also i need to point out the characters which i no longer have access to and which names need to be removed from the alts listing of my character.

Sarabi - Lv 2. Opifex Advy - No longer used
KovuLyon Level 5 Atrox Soldier - No longer used -
ReiFyreFlash Level 13 Solitus Trader - No longer used
Kalysto Level 38 Solitus Advy - rerolled, now level 1 toon.
Lunareklypse Level 5 Opi Soldier - rerolled, now level 1 toon.
Kovuadema Level 5 Opi Trader - no longer used
Kitsuki Level 9 Soli Soldier - No longer used
Wolfdreamer Level 11 Soli Soldier - rerolled, now level 1 toon.

also in regards to the previous reply by Noobas, I have played ao for many years BUT! for many years after my mother passed from this world i did not have access to internet and for a good 6-7 years i could not play AO so even though i have played for years, it was not a solid 13 years on one account, it was mainly off and on the account my mothers card was still paying for until it expired and closed the account and i was unable to play any longer because at the time of her passing, AO was still pay 2 play/pay per month -only-. i was not able to really come back to the game until the time i posted the first recruitment app on the athen paladins recruitment forum section in 2014 when the 'froob' accounts were implemented and players could finally play free with limitations. this is the reason that even though my account in which i stated i had made never made any progress. i hope the org officers will read this thoroughly and understand the changes and happenings of 3 1/2 years past.

I used to have shadowlands, but that was the only expansion i had and currently am still a froob player. i just have not had time and convienence to be able to invest in AO until recently. i hope you all understand what i have informed you all of and still reaccept me back into the Athen Paladins family. May the road rise to meet your feet - paws if you are a furry - and may the wind ever be at your back. Blessed Be and Ja Ne!

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Re: a fox's membership application to join AP (redone 2/11/18)

Post by Ustarlen »

Hi Kitsune1982

Welcome back :) You dont have to re-apply by my reckoning as you were already invited in various forms under your original application as Zenof and Kitsune1982 and all alts back in January of 2014. Once we sort this out we can simply add any alts to your main forum name. Look forward to unravelling this.
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Re: a fox's membership application to join AP (redone 2/11/18)

Post by Chrisax »

What Ustarlen said. Welcome back !
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