Application - Skrilleta

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Baby Leet
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Application - Skrilleta

Post by Skrilleta »

Hi, my ingame name is Skrilleta and I'm hoping to join you guys in AP over the coming days. I've been playing on and off for around 11 years now, but only recently decided to start working on getting some characters to endgame (spent too long messing around with bizzare froob builds for fun).

I'd like to join Athen Paladins to be in a larger org that does regular scheduled events together, and has lots of people online to chat or team with. I recently resubbed having came back as a froob initially and joined SoTL - great bunch of people and had a lot of fun helping each other out in there.

Plenty of toons split across my 2 active accounts, ones I'm currently interested in playing are:

Skrilleta 220/62/21 (MP, my first and only 220)
Desolati 212/??/13 (Keeper)
Keloid 195/??/7 (Enfo)
Emporia 70/10/2 (Trader I rolled last night)

Other 150+ toons include soldier, crat, NT, doc and MA in varying states of undress - rarely logged but can provide names if required. Desolati and Keloid have cities tied to them so not looking to bring them across if invited for the time being. All my toons are clan.

I've read and understood the CoC as well as having a look at some of the other info available.

Based in England - typically online some stage between 6pm and 2am on worknights, then anytime up until 5am at the weekends. Feel free to message me in game for a chat, still in SoTL for the time being as haven't had a chance to chat and let them know I'll be moving on.
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Re: Application - Skrilleta

Post by Ustarlen »

Hi Skrilleta

Thanks for this and for agreeing the CoC. I've seen you've spoken with Stokk so, I've set up all the admin stuff. You just need to have a chat with him or Chris or one of the other officers to get a fast track invite.

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