Application - Chaksnoris - Isparian

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Baby Leet
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Application - Chaksnoris - Isparian

Post by Isparian »


I would like to join Athen Paladins.
I was playing AO since 2002(?) ... and looking to come back after a 10y break.

Understanding how this is not the best time to restart playing AO (given its age, Funcom attitude, etc) I'm looking to join good and active org - so AO feels more alive (and I have sombody (or someplace) to ask for advice - since I'm afraid I've forgotten quite a bit about how AO works.
Back in the day I was in other orgs, who don't exist anymore (Velvet, Genesis .. if anyone cares to remember)

My time zone is GMT +2 I am usually online late in the evenings

I fully agree to your COC.

I'm currently playing on Froob account (MA - Chaksnoris lvl71) just to get back feel of the game.
But I have 2 old/paid accounts, and now deciding which one to activate.

Main chars there were:
Litesteps 180ish Agent, Clan
Maeltor 208 Nanobreed Engie, Clan

Best regards,
Girts Palejs
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Re: Application - Chaksnoris - Isparian

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Chaksnoris - Isparian :) Welcome back in AO and welcome on our forums too!

It's always time to find a new, happy home in AO. And you'll find all the activity you want with us and even more because you're in the core time zone of members and raids. :) (Raids will require some more levels though, as the first raid is Inner Sanctum at level 125+)

Regarding what account to reactivate, I would probably say that your engineer is the best choice. You can level and reach 220 quite fast with him, and you can immediately join all our raids. Also all your pets can be bought in stores on RK or in SL (except the top bot dog but you'll get it fast with us in raids), so you won't have to worry to get them, just make the money. And you can farm money quite easily as an engineer.

For information about all what happened in AO, you can have a long look here:

That said, thank you for reading and agreeing on our code of conduct. That's one good first step.

Now, meet us online and join our org bot on the guest channel. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.

You can usually find AP members hanging out at the Vanguards big building ramp next to OA grid to ask for a guest chat invite. If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !invite This is a temporary invite,and you'll have to do it each time. Once on channel, feel free to introduce yourself and ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point, as fast as possible, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. But as our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a moment to contact you.

Some of the officers you can reach out to for help with queries or concerns are:

Bitnykk / Enginyk / Healnyk / Kynecrat GMT +2
Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT (me, but, sorry, on a temporary break for RL, firt time in 15 years)
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Crazi / Crazidoctor / Epok / Hornblower / Stokken (General) GMT +1
Falcondoct/ Falconcrat /Falconsold / Falconenf GMT -5
Jetson / Noobasdoc / Noobastank (General) GMT +10
Namisan / Merques / Namizo / Vampyren GMT + 1
Ustarlen / Bellorum / Zanda (General) GMT+12
Carequinha /Toughcrat / Toughenf / Reapermann (General) (in memoriam beloved Paladin and Officer)

For time zones referred to above please see: ... _main.html

See you soon online! :)
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