NT equipment - insight and help request

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NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Mysticwoolie »

hi all,

I come to you in search of knowledge.
As you know I am leveling Lordrine, my puppy nanomage NT.

At the time of this writing, she is 31.

I'd like to learn from you what items would serve me well.

What I have so far;
Shades of Lucubration.
2 De'Valos sleeves.
Nelebs cloak and the steps of madness ring - both upgraded.
Ofab ring and some ql25 Ofab armor.

What I will get;
The Ofab HUD item for all nanoskills.
If I somehow manage, the expensive kevlar vest of professor jones.

This leaves me with quite some open slots.
What should I be getting for utils/hud/wrists and such?
Any help is appreciated.
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Chrisax »

What level do you have in mind when you're listing the items above and asking the question? :)

I'm asking because the Vest of Professor Jones can't be equipped by a level 31, and you won't be able to equip it for quite a long time.

It's aQL200 item and its requirements are:
  • Nano Programming >= 701
    Strength >= 476
    Agility >= 526
Check here for the whole data https://aoitems.com/item/151681/the-exp ... fessor-jo/

We can help you get it but you have to know it's going to be tough because it drops from a mob that is on a timer (quite randomized) and that is usually camped by high levels. So its life expectancy is about 30s after he pops up. Also, he is not soloable at all at your level or even a 100ish: he has a very high heal delta, he hits seriously hard for its level, and I'm unsure how easily he can be mezzed / snared / rooted.

You might consider the Cloak of the Reanimated Illusionist which comes in 5 tiers. Only the last tier is locked to Title 6 (level 190 and above). The others are only Pyschic and intelligence based.
See here for the stats: https://aoitems.com/search/name:cloak+o ... eanimated/
and here for the making: https://www.ao-universe.com/guides/clas ... reanimated

This is totally something you need help with because getting the parts is not easy, and most of tham drop from relatively hard semi-bosses, the Escaped Prisoners, in Milky Way.

Thankfully, the Prisoners are an extremely common daily quest too so they are very often kiled and most often their loot is left rotting. So it's quite easy to ask people doing the daily if you can come loot. It's alos possible to help you with kills. Finally you can just fly other the area, scouting the spots of the various prisoners for bodies and loot the leftovers on bodies.

About Hud... we're back to the level you have in mind... because there is a lot of things more or less interesting.

At level 126 for example, you can get an Alien Augmentation Device - Nano Technology which is made from items from Alien sector 10.
https://aoitems.com/item/268468/alien-a ... -technolo/
Sector 10: https://www.ao-universe.com/guides/alie ... -playfield
Tradeskills for sector 10: https://www.ao-universe.com/guides/alie ... lls-guide/

There, you totally need help. Only extremely experienced and equipped characters can solo there.

About wrists the way to go for a long time is Arul Saba bracers (SL items).

Good news here is that we have in org bank the gems to make the bracers. The other items are buyable (the base bracers) or can be farmed (metal, bot junk) and it's likely that someone has some available sleeping in their bank.
You can wear 2, of the same type or different types; check the types here
https://www.ao-universe.com/guides/shad ... -arul-saba
Sats here: https://aoitems.com/search/name:bracele ... +saba+%28/
Arul Saba "shop": https://www.ao-universe.com/guides/shad ... -saba-shop

OK, let's stop here for the moment. :)

So, what level do you have in mind for items?
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Chrisax »

Input from our talented NTs welcome: :)
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Mysticwoolie »

I could have been more specific!

What i more or less would like is a progressional idea from current level till tl6, even tl7!

Mostly because i simply know too little of whats available.
The more i play and research, the more i understand how much of a gap there is in my mental knowledge base.

So any and all ideas are mega appreciated!
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Chrisax »

Mysticwoolie wrote:What i more or less would like is a progressional idea from current level till tl6, even tl7!

(...)The more i play and research, the more i understand how much of a gap there is in my mental knowledge base.

So any and all ideas are mega appreciated!
That's a lot of things to explore. :shock: Sadly, there is not anymore an up-to-date NT guide anywhere, to my knowledge.

But at what speed are you leveling, because this changes a lot what you need?

There is no point in trying to "maximize" your NT all the way up, especially if you level fast. Gaining 10 levels under level 200 for example will give you much more nanoskills than an item you may spend a full week farming.

Also, unless you buy items that you will always -or for a long time- need (like some nanos) or that can level with you (more or less), you should keep your Ofab points for your 220 armor. Unless again, of course, your gameplay provides you with a lot of points for Ofab.

I'll try to come back with more answers but it would be great if our NT posted suggestions.
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Cherib »

yeah a lot of what Chris has mentioned is relevant.
a lot of NT's just power level with OST till 160ish then look at re-gearing after hitting there and finishing research to that level. (with breaks to get the cyberdeck upgrades and redo implants)
the main things to upgrade when leveling like this is Comp Lit for better belts/NCU and anything that adds MC for AoE nukes

if you like to solo, then that's a different story
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Mysticwoolie »

Alrighty, when I have my sessions where I stop levelling and re-evaluate my equipment for upgrades, i will reach out within AP org chat for pointers - I think that would be more appropriate then, right?

That way the level is current and any experienced NTs can point me towards solid upgrades i migth overlook.

Thank you!!!!
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Chrisax »

Actually, when you reach a point -or are close to reaching it- where you want to consider upgrading equipment, you can also post here. Org chat is good but asking on org chat implies that the "right" people are online at that time. Not everyone with a NT feels he/she can give valuable advice.

I'll talk to some of our NTs and tell them you need advice if they have not yet seen this thread? :)

The items I mentioned, Cloak of the Reanimated, S10 hud items, Arul Saba bracelets are the way to go, in addition to what you mentioned.

Also, get tokens by doing dailies so you regularly upgrade your token board. At some point you'll be able to get a so-called "PvP" mission (which is not really PvP, just in areas where someone can hit you) to get a 1750 tokens board directly. We will help you with it so it will be quite easy.

If you farm enough points for Ofab, then get the prices that help you the most. Otherwise, save most of them for you end game armor. It's worth getting the hud device for nanoskills you mentioned, and a NT Ofab ring but don't upgrade it always, so you don't use too many points.

Don't forget your perks (standard and alien). You can easily reset perks for free every two hours with a NPC on Jobe platform if you have made an error or want to test.

You could post your current equipment so we can analyze further. This tool can help you but hasn't been updated since 2012 so some items can't be found there and some stats can be slightly off the current ones. Still, it helps, especially to easily post your setup.

If you don't know yet, you'll find here a full listing of your available nanos:
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Mysticwoolie »

Alirghty, I setup my Level 41 NT as she is currently in Auno.

You can find her here: https://auno.org/ao/equip.php?saveid=207771
What misses is the implants: They are store-standard Ql100s.
In addition, the default Cyberdeck since there were so many options, I decided to just write about me using that here.

Items I have banked:

De'Valos sleeves x2 (ql94 from memory, could be off a little)
Ofab Nano HUD3 item.
Ether to upgrade Nelebs cloak.

Things to look out for:

Better NCU, better deck 6 recompiler.
Miy's Nano Armor gloves for a little extra MC perhaps.
Ofab NT ring upgrade.
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Chrisax »

I saw you could also talk to APs in-game about your needs and questions. Several are happy to help you. So keep on chatting. :)

So, now, it seems your first steps would be:
- improve NCUs
- improve implants

But have you looked at symbiants? You could combine implants and symbiants. For example, use implants to maximize MC and symbiants for the global balance of your statistics.

We have symbiants in org bank so we could look together at what you could use.

Also we have blank implants. And we can help you build customized implants.

The question is what your abilities are at the moment to equip implants or symbiants.

It's possible, as you know, to use temporary implants to buff some abilities so you can equip better implants. Nevertheless, as you are leveling, I wouldn't recommend to spend a lot of time on this as getting higher levels will induce more improvement. I mean that one day is OK; one week is not. :)

Remember we can temporarily change org contracts to help you equiping new items.

About NCUs, maybe some APs can lend you some. We need to see what CL skill you can reach, with CL buff, intel buff, and CL implants.

Of course, NCUs can be rolled as RK missions rewards, a bit painfully though.

Around 150 try to have a look at Yuttos NCUs

When you're 125 (you're not so far), come with us in Inner Sanctum where you can get: And also some rings that are basically upgraded versions of Temple rings, and other items like
Might of the Revenant https://aoitems.com/item/206013/might-of-the-revenant/
which will be great for your damage and which is also, when used (put in hot barr and click), an anti-snare/root.
And a Corrupted Flesh which, when used (not even need to equip either), gives you a life-saver absorb in addition to what NTs can have. https://aoitems.com/item/206015/corrupted-flesh/

Improving your nano formulas recompilers is good. They can be quite easily rolled as mission rewards.

When you have enough NCUs, you could use Deck 5 to equip a nano range increaser whose effect stacks with you nano range buffs. It's great to mez mobs from far away.

Armor-wise, farming DeValos Nano armor (possibly mixing with another DeValos type) is a good thing. It will work well with Ofab and will save you Ofab points.DeValos is a very decent armor for leveling without breaking your money pig.

For life and protection (no nanoskills) you could consider the Clan Shoulderpads from the Dodga quest
http://www.athenpaladins.org/forums/vie ... f=14&t=390

A nice shoulder item for nano and life and a little bit of damage is also the easy-to-equip
Virral Triumvirate Egg

It's a tradeskilled item and we can totally help with the farming of the parts and the making.
https://www.ao-universe.com/guides/clas ... virate-egg

OK, I guess i'll stop there for the moment. Lots of possibilities already, startig with implants and NCUs. :)
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Mysticwoolie »

Thank you Chrisax.

Currently lvl 56, I do apologise for limited playtime lately.

I have the Viral Eggs i noticed, thank god for that.
The help on Symbs and implants is very welcome, i am all sorts of newb in this field.

I will have a look at my bank when I log back in and assess where I can go from here.

Will continue to post as Lordrine grows.
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Chrisax »

OK :) Just tell us whne you need help. A bit ahead of time if possible. :)
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Tentonhammer »

Chrisax wrote:OK :) Just tell us whne you need help. A bit ahead of time if possible. :)
Yeah temple raid ^^

You should have at least Notum Splice (left wrist NT implant from the temple)
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Chrisax »

Tentonhammer wrote:
Chrisax wrote:OK :) Just tell us whne you need help. A bit ahead of time if possible. :)
Yeah temple raid ^^

You should have at least Notum Splice (left wrist NT implant from the temple)
Apwarps, org character, is a 60 engineer who can help in the temple. With outside buffs he can cast an excellent bot for his level.
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Re: NT equipment - insight and help request

Post by Cherib »

if i'm on my 60MP can cast top demon pet which wipes out totw pretty quick
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