Application - Disiegor - Ihateomnis

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Baby Leet
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Application - Disiegor - Ihateomnis

Post by Disiegor »

Howdy Athen Paladins!

I'm a returning player from 2002/2003 (if i remember right) and walked into Chrisax at AO grid, whom I remember pretty much since forever.

My original AO life you may know me as Disiegor (215ish ENF, clan, Nemesis) or as Ihateomnis (220 Agent, clan, Nemesis - extremely original name haha), and countless others i do not remember.

I am waiting for FC to return a couple support emails in an effort to reactivate my original account but have since created a new account and am playing a clan Keeper with the name Toopi.

I'd love to join you guys and rediscover the game with all you old, and newschool players ! :)

Amazing to me how the complexity of this game, the territorial, consequentual pvp, the twinking etc, still unmatched in modern games, 20 years later...
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Re: Application - Disiegor - Ihateomnis

Post by Chrisax »

Hi Disiegor and welcome back in AO. It's great to see very old timers like you coming back to Rubi-Ka. :)

We are now handling your application online.

For getting back your old accounts, you can try to contact AndyB, community manager, on AO Discord or AO forums. We'll give you the info.
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