Application - Phybes

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Baby Leet
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Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:39 pm

Application - Phybes

Post by Phybes »

I have played off and on for a number of years, and have recently returned to the game. Despite the number of years that I have had my account I would not consider myself a veteran of the game, although I do have experience in the majority of the PVM encounters and am always interested in learning more about the mechanics of the game.

I am currently a member of Phoenix Rising which is an allied org of AP; however the org is no longer active and I am often one of, if not the only player online. I would like to be a part of a more active community as I am really interested in participating in PVP both in battlestations and NW. I am currently working on a number of characters to be able to participate in PVP across a variety of level ranges and TLs.

My timezone is Pacific Standard Time.

I have one paid account containing the characters:

Phybes, Opifex Martial Artist 220/29/? - Main
Bossshog, Nanomage Crat 150/?/?
Bredtrain, Solitus Soldier 60/?/?

I have a number of froob accounts containing utility characters and some future PVP twinks, the only noteworthy characters at the moment are:

Tradinbread, Solitus Trader 170 (can cast 131)
Drphibes, Aatrox Soldier 25

I agree to both the Code of Conduct, and org chat recommendations.

Thanks for taking the time to read over my application, looking forward to possibly joining the ranks of AP.
Maxi Leet
Posts: 469
Joined: Mon May 11, 2015 8:22 am

Re: Application - Phybes

Post by Cherib »

Hello Phybes

Welcome to the AP forums and thanks for your interest in AP.

Thank you for confirming you have read and agree to the following code of conduct and guidelines,
The next step is to join our guest channel on our org bot so we can meet/team online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.
You can usually find AP members at the big Vanguards building ramp near OA grid terminal.
If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !join
This is a temporary invite, so you'll have to do it each time you want to be on guest chat.

Once on guest chat, feel free to ask for an officer and introduce yourself, and also ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a moment to contact you. Always feel free to tell an officer that you are there.

Some of the officers you can contact for help with questions or concerns are:

Talmahera / Dunnan / Gallya GMT +2
Cheribomber / Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Crataatak / Zanokia GMT+1
Bonniedoom / Betadoom / Amagosa / Whapperz GMT -5
Spartan058 / Spatrticos
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1

For time zones referred to above please see: ... _main.html

We look forward to seeing you online
Maxi Leet
Posts: 469
Joined: Mon May 11, 2015 8:22 am

Re: Application - Phybes

Post by Cherib »

Hello Phybes, I am Cherib, an officer from AP, there has been a reply to your application on the AP forums. if you could join our orgbot (/tell Bobsan !join) so we can get to know you a little and organise an interview, we can progress with your application to join. hope to see you soon
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