AP applicant!~ Muffin

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Baby Leet
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AP applicant!~ Muffin

Post by Muffinzap »

Hey there! I'm Muffin, I've been an AO player since 08 an am familiar with AP as an organization. I have a few friends in there with you all Know and my buddy Eco, which are who referred me. Im interested in joining Athen Paladins as someone who can not only help others but learn as well with active members. I agree to all Terms and Regulations as well.

My Toons:
Muffintanks-220 Enfo -Omni
Drmuffinman-220 Doc-Omni
Muffinpops-220 Sold-Omni
and a good few others currently creating My clan NT Muffinzap

Thank you for looking at my application
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Re: AP applicant!~ Muffin

Post by Chrisax »

Hi Muffin :)

As I told you online, considering you are the friend two AP members, we'll meet online as soon as possible, or meet an officer, and we'll proceed with your application on "fast track" mode. Point the officer to this post if he isn't aware yet.
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