GMI bug unequips all items?!?

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Re: GMI bug unequips all items?!?

Post by bitnykk »

These hacks are going further & at higher rate ... worse is these GMI framework weaknesses were highlighted years ago at a time it was still possible to prevent such crap or even change http-ish orientation (wich seems to be a practical cheatability aspect).

Unfortunately, "maintenance mode" might be under what we'd expect here to fix all this mess.
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Re: GMI bug unequips all items?!?

Post by Chrisax »

I agree with Hyde. This looks like an extremely petty and miserable (morally) attempt to disrupt the economy of the game by creating an insane increase of the "monetary mass" in the game.

Which, in the real world, leads to inflation, and in MMO's too.

The code failed somewhere but not in sending the money. The full visible code (that I didn't post) contains the credentials to operate a database on FC's servers. It's an attempt of database injection where you enter a database in order to put some data in it but even more, try to get administrator privileges that you can progressively escalate to a level where, at the end, you can compromise the whole server, possibly network. I serioulsy doubt, though, it was the final goal there.

Like Hyde, I tend to think it's another attempt by Phaz and NKBs at hurting FC (and, it hurts quite directly the players) by hurting the game economy.

Actually, what Phaz and NKBs are doing (entering a computer system with malicious intents and disrupting its integrity) is not only lame and despicable, but it's a serious law violation in any democracy (and even in not-democracies).
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Re: GMI bug unequips all items?!?

Post by bitnykk »

Chrisax wrote:it's another attempt by Phaz and NKBs at hurting FC
In the end, not even sure it's his (Tagyourit) / their (NKB) final goal, unless he is / they are paid by a concurrent for (wich i don't think, see why below). I rather think such stubborness has a deep link with some ego display ("see all ya, me haz hackpowa") and, nearby, such (sadly) undeniable expertise acquired over years that needs a subject (FC/AO) to express ... while paradoxally risking the death of the subject. Science gone mad, if you like ?

May be i'm going too much psychological here, but if hurting FC economically was the real goal (being paid or not for it), Tag/NKB wouldn't focus so much on AO - wich is far behind other games in revenue nowadays ! I mean (sorry for the trivial image) : why hurting rusty grandpa to display your "power" when you're supposed to have the skill to compete a younger & more powerfull/bankable adversary ?

So, if this "hurt" explanation is correct, that would mean AO is a (deprecated) sandbox for bigger exploits on other games, as it is less cared of ... but even there i think it's too old to be of real use, and this code even tend to show the opposite (other games used to crack AO database).

But i'm just sharing thought & intuition here, can't prove anything.
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Re: GMI bug unequips all items?!?

Post by Chrisax »

Because of its age (it was designed in a time where hacking was extremely marginal) and of the fact it's much more client-based than AoCaand TSW, AO is a better target? That's probably why.

By the way i'm not sure we should lave this thread in a totally public area of the forums.

Posted in bots in-game and on Allinace forums:
In addition to the warning I issued on Alliance cat last night:

There is a new hack going around. Mail from a random player with 901M credits attached. It is assumed that this is from the same people who hacked GMI awhile back but there are no reports of GMI stripping toons this time. There is a rumor that the email somehow hacks your character or installs a keylogger on your system but this is unconfirmed. There is no official word yet on what to do about it. If you want to play it safe, just don't open any mail from people you don't know.

You need a GM to delete the mail without taking the credits first.
Thanks Hyde by the way for the original text :) Saved me some precious time! GJ
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Re: GMI bug unequips all items?!?

Post by Hyde »

To clarify ... you CAN delete the mail yourself. GMI just prevents you from doing it until you've taken the credits. Or at least that is my understanding, I haven't tried as a GM took care of my mail for me. Nothing buggy about the mail message.
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Re: GMI bug unequips all items?!?

Post by Chrisax »

Thx Hyde. Corrected the text above. The need for a GM looked strange to me, hence the initial note "not verified".
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