What made you play your class/type of player?

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What made you play your class/type of player?

Post by toewiggler »

When I first started playing (as a froob) I was completely oblivious to everything, made a gimp enforcer but soon deleted him to make my 2nd char, the soldier.

I made my soldier because the gun on the noobisland sounded cool, and I saw other soldiers kill leets on the beach from range, whereas the enfo I had had to run.

My engineer was made because I saw a white slayerbot controlled by this guy in a afro-haircut.

My NT was made because I saw a guy kill 20 leets in one explosion near the beach

My doc was made because I thought the noob-island doctor looked cute (yes I'm sad)

My crat was made because a I saw some guy wearing the Carlo outfit with Carlo out, looked hilarious, and I wanted to help org with insurance

My MP was made to be able to give CM/CI someday

My enfo (not sure if I will keep him) was made beacuse troxes looked cool

My keeper was made because I saw a keeper in white cool looking armor on the character creation screen, and I wanted to look like that ;)
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Post by cutiecub »

One of my first chars was my MA, they looked so cool ;-) and did very nice moves. Untill i screwded IP up offcourse due noobieness. Well the IP reset made him back ok atm but dont feel like playing him.

My second was Cutiecub my main due the fact that I survived quitte well doing solo stuff, which is harder with other profs iff you are new to the game.

Then made a ton of alts to try out all other profs offcourse, second favorite is my fixer also for the same reason like the adventurer, the ability to kick ass and getiing kicked and survive it.

So the red line is survivability because i have quitte limited playtime, very unregular which makes teaming hard, 90 % of the time im soloing stuff.

Made a MP and trad for the buffs too, still a lot of lvling to do

Iff id had i would go for keeper, because well they look death sexy in that nice armour and i loved the 2 weeks trial in sl with the keeper.
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Post by Alphacenta »

Well.. my first toon -ever- was an agent. I maxed Rifle at first, but then I thought Assault Rifle > Rifle! :D So, off I went, I bought an Assault Rifle and started maxing that :P At level 9 I was bored with it, so I deleted that toon, and rerolled. An engineer called Spaceforce (which only some of you may know :lol: GoGo Eye of the Storm guys!). I liked his bots, and Doomeater had an engi and it looked quite fun. At that point, Doomeater (temp) quit AO. So, I levelled my engi to L15, without entering the subway once, I didn't know where that was :roll: . I saw Funkett recruiting peoples for Eye of the Storm on Clan OOC, so I was like, why not, sure invite me! 8) Went to the whompah to Tir, and was invited... Say hi, Doctorhyde, Armegeddon, Svanya, Kman, Chisau, and all other EotS-ers!

At that point, Doomeater saw I was L15.. He was like, omg, he's higher than me, NEVER! :twisted: So he came back to AO. I played my engi to L37 with his 23 NCU and L30ish Automaton, kept saving for my first Gladiatorbot (omg, that's possible at L37? I was told so but.. unbelievable!). At 37 I got bored. A friend of me rolled an engineer alt, and kept having to ask for TS MC Masterys. So I was like, I'm going to roll me a new toon! That was the (g/p)imp you all know these days, Alphacenta! To buff others in need :wink: . When I had him levelled to L60, I was finally able to solo Lien with my pets, selfbuffed 8) .

But at that point, we all noticed that our president was an asshat. Duder, 200 agent, he was called, but he deleted his main, let the AI city time out, and rolled a L1 trader Transferz to keep the presidency on him. He was never online. After a while, people started leaving. First Sczvit had gone away: she went to Immortal Ascension, because they did actually raid aliens. After a while other friends went to the Rubi-Ka Bounty Hunters, and.. Athen Paladins! :) First Svanya (I remember her getting GTA at L60 :P "What, you have Grand Theft Auto?") and Arm went, then Hyde came over as well, leaving almost nothing from my original org :( . Hyde posted a goodbye thread on our forums, and I followed the link to the Athen Paladins.. Joined guestchat, talked a few to you (Ugh, highbs!). You seemed a friendly bunch, and I just hung out in guestchat to see if the org was a fit for me, before applying. After a few days, I asked good ol' Biggzcrat to recruit me. Well, he did :wink: . And that is the point you got to know me :) . I also rolled my advy Betacentauri somewhere here, twinked out at L24, but got owned badass by Boem's agent Geseeff2 :( So levelled it!

I levelled Alphacenta as far as I could, at a certain point even to L100, and then I met an adventurer called Elmurfud. He was L20ish, pistolero. I had rolled an enfo alt by then, Etaenfo, and we mished a lot together. We even killed a boss called Reinemann! :twisted: Later on Elmur outlevelled my MP, even to a point where I couldn't team him.

After a while I had rolled Aesculapias, my doctor, together with Doom. I ended up twinking her at L21, together with Chaley... She rawked! I was even able to kill paid peoples :D .

At a certain point I liked PvP so much, that I decided it was time to roll a different main than Alphacenta. MP simply isn't that good at TL7 PvP ;) (And at that time, evade MP twinks weren't invented yet.). I rolled Lupusceleri, because agents have style and look cool! I especially liked the tinyness, and Boem was a great inspiration for me. At L69 or so, I got SL. Fun fun, agent was even better with SL. Made my way from L32 to L132 with QL90 implants.. :embarassed: Then twinked symbs on, and started to use Mimic Doctor. Levelled more and.. here I am! :guns:
Lupusceleri L220/24 Agent.
Silversmith upcoming TL5 twink.
Wolfseye L110/12 Adventurer (towertwink).
Lysdexic L90/9 Agent (Mimic Enf towertwink).
Aesculapias L21/2 Doctor (ancient).

Aaaand various other alts.
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Post by Doom_Eater »

Alpha, Doomeater was L15 (TL2) earlier then you :) I took a break then and came back when you were L37 :? so I raced to 50 and rolled a fixer that I got to 49, Energizor :) my doc, Energizordoc came when Alpha got bored of ToTW and lvled past 60 at borgs. I was liek omg kewl :D borgs :P and the speed that you lvl! omg!

I started AO as any other MMO I ever started, to compete against my friends :) but when I started to get in ToTW teams I got addicted to AO PvM team-play. Later on I found out that if you put time and credz in a lower lvl toon, it gets better then others. If you stay on that lvl, you got a PvP twink.

PvP started my first Adrenalin/Endorphin kicks :( even today I'm still addicted.
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Post by Hyde »

Hyde was a fr00b when he started, troxdoc was a RP-ish choice, it was rare. No longer.

Goraud was a pure "I want MR+NR8" choice.

Jexyll was partially RP, since I'm mostly trox, and partially AR+Healdelta for endgame.
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Post by Bredin »

Great idea for a thread!

My first ever char was Nosolace, an engineer. I chose Engineer because it looked cool on the character creation screen. AO was my first MMO so I had no previous experience with pet classes or anything else. I made some IP mistakes, and also made him Omni :shock: . I wanted to be clan so I switched faction. At some point i was recruited into Rubi-Ka Bounty Hunters but didnt know what orgs were and wasnt even subscribed to thier chat channel, so had no clue :rotf2: . Anyway, since I didnt really know how to build or play an engie he wasnt very good. I liked the idea of having pets, and especially the heal pet so I re-rolled as an MP. This char was named Solack. He was a 2hE nanomage MP. I took him to level 88 i think before deleting him and rolled Bredin.
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Post by Ultra »

I did a trader cuz ppl keep stalking fuze so i wanted to make hes life a bit easier ..

I know traders are gimps but very fun char to play anyhow.
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Post by Sillanto »

My first toon was a nm MP (no really) I spent alot of time going through subway finding everything there was to be found (this is how i generally play rpg's) at somepoint during this time i got ninja invited to Lex Talonis. I was so overwhelmed by such a 'big' org i hardly ever spoke on chat. Around level 40 i finally decided to leave WA/OA and head out to TOTW. This journey took me about 2 days! got to level 50 and got my first heal pet O.o One day at totw i met a mad guy who invited me to join Vryce Multicorps. which i promptly did.
Shortly after i began to feel the urge to roll an alt. and Whodares a soli fixer was born. The org i was in consisted of about 10 people total so it was far more friendly. We tended to spend our days leveling in totw or lounging around outside subway. The leader of Vryce happened to have an engi who he used to make lots of random rk TS weapons. and after building me my first chem streamer for my fixer i decided that i needed an engi to build stuff too. And Sillanto the soli engi was created. The mp didnt last long after on my main account (he had never got any implants O.o) but was reincarnated as Dartorna on one of my froob acocunts. Bar Sillanto the rest of my toons have all gone through several reincarnations and reroll's. There are still 1 or 2 people on rk2 who still know me as Whodares.
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Post by Derkiet »

Byden kept hounding me to play Anarchy Online, so one day I caved in and agreed to play the game. So I downloaded and installed AO with a fr00b account and she started explaining the game to me. I chose MA because I like martial arts IRL, and it was also suggested as an easy class to learn the fundamentals of the game. I really liked the idea of a Crat, however I thought it might be a bit too much to start the game as one.

I played for about a month before I got into AP, although I was exposed to AP the minute I started playing. I often teamed with one of Arxx's alts, or with one of Byden's. I also played with another toon a fair bit, another fr00b. Nice guy but he didn't know much English and also started to get a bit too attached to me for my comfort. Was messaging me all the time outside of the game and whatnot.

My second toon was Shebrush, the sexiest crat to grace the game. I'll get around to fnishing him off one day...my third toon was a Fixer that I made to fulfill one purpose; Make enough money on n00b island to buy the glasses because I forgot to on Shebrush. I've deleted her. On ice at the moment until I get Dersol sorted.

Fourth toon was once again a Fixer, still low levels, somehwere around 36. I made him after I spent a fair bit of time levelling Apgrid, which I had a lot of fun doing (also I must get back to that). He's on ice at the moment until I get Shebrush sorted.

Fifth toon is Dersol, who I created because I wanted a TOTW twink that kicked ass, and well. He does. Durzac's younger brother. ;)

Sixth toon is Derkeep, who I made because FX said Keepers were quite fun to make. The intent is for him to be a low lvl twink, but he is fun to play. Don't know, might end up taking him further after I sort out Derfix.
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Post by gsgen »

Well my first was fixer thought hacking would be cool. Then i learned what it took to get fixer grid OUCH Kept getting so far and dying in omni territory. So being noob i figured i would switch to omni to make it easier well i was title level 4 token board when i did it.... And then when i was finished at at the last guy still thinking i was clan went to AO and got killed!!! Stopped playing for almost 6 months so upset... Then made a keeper and got back to playing i had so much fun with him.. Now i am using an enforcer... and my Fixer who i am finnally starting to get back that token board i lost WAH! Oh and FYI being noob and fixer i thought the GA1 was useless and threw away two of them i still cry to this day about that.... And then I finnally got into group of players once i upgraded my account and am still learning but having a blast wiht you guys.... Even if i am the "Can i get an implant built please guy" HEHE...
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Post by core »

Well for me it went trader 200 level pre SL, on RK1, apprentice who later turned into a tradeskiller, 200 level GA4 Fixer with Cat / manex (again on RK1), moved to RK2 and made an enf who at first was leveled to 200 and was a EQB toon (pre SL) and later leveled to 215 and was dropped because he had no IPRs left.

That's when I rolled Adcore and stayed with him till now to get all his stuff and level him on all expansions which is mostly done but not over atm.

Recently rolled an agent who is currently at 207 and growing cause I think AP
needs to have a firing squad when push comes to shove.

have a couple of lower toons aswell but only the 160ish GA4 fixer is worth mentioning here :)
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Post by Grind42 »

Suggestion to move this thread to AP access only forum.

When i started playing AO on a froob account i tried many toons, got the hang of some of them & others just didnt really enjoy. Pretty much played all toons then deleted most & reerolled them to get the finer details down. Incase u havent noticed im a bit of a perfectionist 8) Grind was the 1st character i played from lvl1 without having a test subject toon.

I started him when i got SL 8) Pretty much been playing him ever since. Also have another account which i paid for expantion with which was a bit dumb seeing as i cant really afford both.
180 enf (i think maybe 195+-)
215 mp
160 agt
Hopefully now with my new job I can resume payments for both accounts

I just really loved playing my Keep (relaxed playstyle & is uber cool) gives me more time to chat to friends & so forth also pet classes irritate me a bit, /me hates adv morph camera view (yes even if bob mode or whatever is off) + being my 1st toon from scratch he deserves to be my coolest :roll:

Im considering making a shade (but another useless buffing/helping org toon) will however lvl my engi somemore when i get more zods phatts with grind & start the major perk reset again.
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Post by teredoc »

My first toon was an OMNI nt in beta, he died in a horrible server-crash (we had a lot of those).

Then I made an MP (tered in Dark Crusaders) so I wouldn't feel all alone on those cold cold nights in pen. Belamorte and I really bonded, we had two kids Tumulten and Ettu (sex unknown).

Later on I made a doctor, seeing how I would be able to score real chicks (chicks dig doctors for some reason). I went for the Will Smith look, as can be seen here.

After all those women I needed to chill out - the obvious solution was the atrox - with zero sexual drive, and that's how my shade was born.

The other alts were probably made while drunk/high/bored.
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Post by dpidcoe »

I went nanomage nt because I thought nt looked like it fit my playstyle and nanomage because according to the game manual, nanomage had all the nano skills that it looked like nt uses. I didn't learn about AOEs (I thought they were useless since I had enough trouble killing 1 mob let alone 3 or 4) until level 50 in totw when I killed a train with the help of a doc. I discovered kiting soon after totw and after going from level 70 to 100 in a week or 2 I figured out why people roll NTs.

I made a doc (dpid) as soon as my NT was out of totw, mainly because when my NT was in totw docs were in very high demand. By the time I got my doc to totw, it seemed as if everyone else had the same idea and every other person there was a doc. My doc is now level 57 and can heal vs khaulm (or whoever the mob right before azzy is) my goal is to do 1 doc azzy teams as soon as I get around to getting him a full implant set. I decided to go MA with my doc instead of styg after I realized just how much IP I'd need to spend to equip one. I did a full ip reset and gained 3 levels worth of IP off the stuff I had wasted in 1H edged alone, plus a bunch of other things I had wasted it in. I decided I'm interested in PvP after I pwned an omni soldier who was taunting me in front of his friends. He wanted me to PvP (I had the doc cup equipped at the time) so I said cup vs guns was unfair so we should drop both and do it hand to hand like real men. He agreed not knowing that I had maxed out MA skill and I killed him after a long fight (could ony hit for 4 damage due to his armor :P )

Since then I rolled a trox NT (dpid2) to fix the errors I made with dpidcoe. I also rolled a trader who I got to level 10 without investing any IP with the intent of twinking him someday. And a fixer on a seperate account (apidcoe), mainly because I thoguth GA looked cool. I had hoped I could get my sister into the game with that account, but I lost interest in convincing her after finding out how had GA is to get (I thought it was store buyable :embarassed:) although I might pick that account up again now that I'm high enough level to afford it.
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Post by mytefe »

i saw picture of Grid Armor.
i read stats of Grid Armor
i get Grid Armor
rest of choice was just look nice :)
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