Interesting note about weapons

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Interesting note about weapons

Post by Kilajan »

The original post here. ... ost1290717

Offensive Stats
I've read some other posts here and would like to know how the Offensive Stats work.
I suspect that having 2 weapons equipped is simply to combine the equipped 2, but the 2 equipped weapons does not 'stack' as for your combat power. It's simply based on the 'equipped' main hand weapon?

Because me equipping a ql10 Main hand, and a ql5 'offhand', Gives me more combat power than a ql10 in each hand. (All blue) (While this contradicts my question somewhat).. the damage on my offhand skills is same, with a ql5 and ql10 weapon for those abilities, it only changes depending on my main hand.

It dont make any sense to me why Elementalism abilities take thair damage scaling in tooltip based on a Blood mainhand. Bug or im just compleatly lost here?
Greetings Chaztity,

While all Funcom employees are bound by a no-spoiler policy that prevents me from going too far in depth here, I can certainly understand why you may have some confusion over how this game's "Dual Weilding" of weapons works in relation to your stats. The basic overview is like this:

At any given time you can hold two weapons, but will only receive core-stat benefit from one of them. Let's say you had a shotgun with +10 penetration and a blade with +10 hit. By default, the last weapon you were using will show benefit on your stat screen; if it were the blade, for instance, you would only see the +10 hit. When you switch weapons (by using another weapon's ability), your stats are changed to reflect the weapon you are currently wielding.

Weapon power is linked to each weapons abilities, as well. If it seemed that a given weapon ability was doing the same with a lower quality weapon, it was likely a result of your other stats, as a great many factors go into determining the damage of any given ability.

I do apologize if the system seems a bit confusing. Feel free to test it out a bit more, though; if you return some numbers that seem noticeably removed from the information I've provided here, don't hesitate to share them with us.

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Re: Interesting note about weapons

Post by Chrisax »

Yeah, that was what I was explaining a few nights ago. Let's develop a bit and make it shorter at the same time.

- the modifications / bonus (glyphs, signets) in talismans always apply, offensive or defensive, anything

- the modifications / bonus (glyphs, signets) in a weapon ONLY apply when you are using THIS weapon and the modifications offered by the other weapon do not apply at the same time.

In other words, if you have pistols with a bonus in critical + hit, and a blade with a massive bonus in penetration (it's only an artificial example), when you use the blade you have your penetration bonus but no hit and crit bonus. And when you use the pistols you get your crit+hit but nothing in penetration. The bonus of the two weapons do not stack, it's either one or the other.

This is especially important if you thought of putting two defensive glyphs in weapons to stack their effects (for example a big evade in one and a big defense in the other)! It does NOT work! They won't stack.

This is why, in the original project and version of the equipment code, it was not possible to put defensive glyphs in weapons, but only offensive ones. Comments made during the very early steps of beta pointed out that, in some situations, it could actually be nice to use the slots of weapons for defensive powers. And the code was changed to allow any glph to be installed in weapons.
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