Application Maverick86

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Application Maverick86

Post by Maverick »

Hello everyone!

I would like to join AP, because I'm looking for an active org with a friendly atmosphere and nice people. Let me give you a short introduction of myself:

I started playing AO back in 2004 with a froob account on RK3. I met a lot of great people there by joining the "12 Monkeys", some of which I'm still in contact with. I leveled my adventurer step by step to 200 and tried to twink the hell out of him, before I decided to convert to a paid account. As a froob I was ranged, but then I decided to go melee... I started to hate reloading, I guess. :wink:

I bought all add-ons since then and became leader of our ogranization, but then I had a longer break after I finished my studies and started at my first job. It was shortly after LoX has been released. I don't want to bore you with too much personal details. You will find out anyway, but let me tell you that I'm 27 and located in Mannheim, Germany. :cool:

I reactivated my account 2 months ago and find some time to login in here and there.
I'm always happy to help and the most important thing for me is to have fun with nice people.
Having said this I'm glad to agree with all of your terms and your code of conduct.

My chars:

Maverick86 - Lvl 220 Adv (Main)
Marketingman - Lvl 33 Trader (taking care of my business)
Sophie86 - Lvl 8 MA (good looking mule)

It's all about fun. :D

Maverick86 - Passionate Adventurer born in 2004 - Equip
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Re: Application Maverick86

Post by Chrisax »

Thanks, Maverick, for posting this application. Many things were done online already, in parallel, and we will be glad to proceed with the rest of your invite now.
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