Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

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Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by Chrisax »

18.4 Update Release Notes

General Changes:
  • * Anarchy Online no longer supports versions of Windows earlier than Windows XP.
    * The Anarchy Online in-game store is now available.
    * All "Service Points" have now been converted to "Funcom Points". The conversion rate is 1.2, meaning if you had 1000 Service Points, you now have 1200 Funcom Points. The cost of all services has been updated to reflect this change. Phasefront Points (IE: points already transferred in-game) are not affected by this change.
    * The amount of points you receive with your gametime has been changed. Accounts now receive 60 points for 1 month, 300 points for 3 months, 600 points for 6 months and 1440 points for 12 months.
    * New input system is now available. All keys should now be bindable/customizable through the "binds" tab in the F10 options menu.
    * Timers are now available for all temporary items (ie: Grid Armor). Tool tip and Shift+Click will display the item time remaining.
    * New slider in the Tradeskill window to control the level of the result of the tradeskill.
    * It is now possible to lock individual items in the Character Wear window.
    * Enabling/disabling sound options no longer requires the character to zone or relog to notice applied changes.
    * Basic OFAB Armor is no longer no-drop - Improved/Penultimate OFAB is still no-drop. Vendors are still only accessible by profession.
    * Nano Icons and NCU icons are now color coded to make it easier to determine their nature at a quick glance.
    * Nano Icons should now display at their correct resolutions in the Programs window and on Shortcut bars.
    * Social Tab can no longer be enabled or equipped to during combat.
    * XP gained with the "XP Gain Disabled" option enabled should now be added to XP pool.
    * Terminating now adds your current unsaved XP to your XP pool.
    * Backpacks looted from monster remains should now be usable as containers for items.
    * Characters should no longer become stuck in "walk mode" after dying and returning to a SL save area.
    * The "You already have this unique item" message should now include the name of the unique item in question.
    * Signet of the Apocalypse/HHAB rings once again should protect from environmental damage while under resurrection sickness.
    * "Veteran Healing Laboratory" changed to heal a percentage of a character's health; now works off of a separate skilllock timer from regular treatment labs.
    * New "Veteran Nano Recharger" added to the Veteran vendor.
    * New option "Fixed Pet Buttons" in the pet window to lock selection of pets to specific keys and ignore pet spawn order.
    * Added support for automatic renaming of pets on respawn.
    * Right clicking in the loot window should no longer loot the item.
    * Fixed several exploits.

Alien Daily Mission Changes
  • * The Artifact no longer has a chance of spawning in the Blazing Flames in the "Salvage" Alien daily mission.
    * The Ammunition for the "Give Ammo to Labbe" daily mission should now respawn in random locations in the vicinity of the crashed ship every 5-10 seconds.
    * Adjustments made to select aliens inside Alien Daily mission instances.
    * Cocoon Terminator can now be purchased from the agency store.
    * Agency HQ teleport to Unicorn Outpost can now be used for Missions in the LoX areas.
    * Sector 7 Rufus should stand and move correctly when this action is triggered.
    * Many other small adjustments for a smoother Alien Daily Mission experience.
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by Elrojo »

yesdrop OFAB may be a bit of easy mode. Given you can, if you are savvy, sell your VP for creds in the way of nano's. Could also then reduce the number of people doing BS. I wonder if they will sell for 1mil/1k VP.

side note: my patch didnt work.
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by mobstar »

18.4 patch completely broke support for all linux and mac users. Guess I'll be gone until the community figures out a fix, because FC could care less.
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by Chrisax »

Since this patch, AO can't work anymore on Windows versions prior to XP (included) so XP, Vista, 7.

So some not necessarily big but significant change has been made somewhere.

I would suspect the implementation of Krona Awesomium (the framework to create the in-game browser to may the cause, maybe indirectly though). (As I said in the past, FC didn't code a browser but use an existing product, Awesomium from Krona.

It's also possible that the permanent integration of features for the new engine made this unavoidable or necessary.

Such a change may cause issues with software allowing to run a Windows program under Linux. :( Sorry if this happened. We can't strictly blame FC as LInux is not supported for AO but we can really regret they gave no warning.

Does this happen with any implementation of AO under Linux? Or only some?
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by mobstar »

Its definitely awesomium.dll that is causing the crash. (all versions of Wine and Crossover, which affects all versions of Linux and Mac)

I don't blame FC entirely. They clearly state that they don't support Linux. I just wish they would consider the fact that some people do not run Windows, and make the "new engine" (:D) with a not-so-proprietary set of libraries. #-o

I guess this pretty much predicts what the future has in store - instead of making it "better" just add new stuff which isn't native and breaks old stuff.

iirc Eve went through something like this on release of their in-game browser which is also based on the same chromium bastard child.

Lastly the main thread on the official forums discussing this "bug", the idiots and/or trolls who post "linux is 1% of operating systems"... I'd love to see them get a glimpse of my work environment. It's only one of the largest "IT" companies on the planet. Internally, it's advised to ditch our Windows client and use one of the more secure, more capable "open" clients (which never was a problem for me because I never ran the Windows client).
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by mobstar »

On that note, I just dumped $80 USD to play AO again and buy the expansions (despite being LE research gimped) because it still worked well with Wine and Crossover; not 1 month afterwards this happens.

I'll swallow the loss before I'll run windows just to play a video game.
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by Chrisax »

Report the awesomium.dll issue to the Linux community and especially to the WINE staff? Who knows?!
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by Phoenix »

Chrisax wrote:Since this patch, AO can't work anymore on Windows versions prior to XP (included) so XP, Vista, 7.
Actually as far as I know it stopped working on versions prior to XP after they changed the DB a ways back.
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by Chrisax »

Versions prior to XP are no more supported officially since this patch 18.4. I was announced in the patch notes ... p?t=583943

Prior to this patch, AO worked with older version (back to Win 98 I guess) but could encounter serious issues due to the "lack" of RAM or CPU power on the old systems usually used with Win 98 especially since some changes like the database ones, as Phoenix pointed out. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if several old version of Windows encountered issues by themselves.
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by Phoenix »

It wasn't a matter of issues as it just flat out didn't work. The new DB caused it to go past 1GB I think it was. Windows versions before XP can't handle files that big as far as I know. So you just couldn't play at all as it couldn't access the resource DB. I played on an old Windows box with an earlier OS till that patch but had to switch then.

While they now say it officially does not support Windows versions before XP it still didn't work for Windows versions before XP for a while now anyhow.
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Re: Patch 18.4 Update Release Notes

Post by Rulzern »

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