Seeking advice on how Accounts are divided

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Mini Leet
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Seeking advice on how Accounts are divided

Post by Shomedamoni »

Hi AP,

I ended up with 3 paid accounts, and since I can only swap between two accounts which costs
FC points I'm trying to decide a plan for when I create someone new and if I should move
anyone while they still let us (I'm not sure that's always going to be available.)

Obviously this is a long term project, but I find playing the different profs teaches me a lot
about what I should be doing with my favorites, and forewarned is forearmed.
Account:  Main                     
Why:         Those I want at 220/30/70 AKA the ones I really want to play.
Who:         Trader 154/16
                 Engineer 209/18 (May move to second account so trader can buff TS)
                 Doctor 100/2
                 Third NT (goal 220)
                 Second Fixer
                 Twinks/parked toons (like a Keeper parked at 150 for s10)

Account:    Linked second account
Why:         Tanks and MPs also 220/30/70 but after Enforcer will be delayed
Who:         Enforcer 77/7
                 Second Soldier (may become primary soldier)
                 Second Doctor
                 Second NT (Goal 85 for Power leveling Kite Hill 62 to 117) <- problem need OST, 
                      all of will be on the same account.  Possibly make this on on a Froob account?
Account:    Not linked third account
Why:         Buffs and power level helpers
Who:         Fixer 200/0 (Currently HnQ & GSF buffs, need to add NCU buff and FGrid)
                 NT 64/4 (goal 116 for Power leveling Kite Hill up to 84 to 160)
                 Soldier 33
Am I overthinking this? Should I just do Inf and dailies until I hit 220? *cough*boring*Cough*

Prefer advice/suggestions on the accounts, but I'll take what I can get about this.

Thanks ahead of time!
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Re: Seeking advice on how Accounts are divided

Post by Tlaski »

Your eng wont need trader TS buffs when he hits 220.
And on a 2nd account , have a damage dealing 220 like a shade, sold, crat or ma to drag your new toons through inf missions
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Re: Seeking advice on how Accounts are divided

Post by Chrisax »

Maybe someone with "hundreds" of alts will know better than me.

But let's see.

How many characters slots do you have on each account? You can see that on the characters selection screen, on the right. Something like "8/12 slots available".

The numbers can change depending on many things along the years, and especially when the servers merge occurred.

I think that, at the moment, you should have enough slots to move freely your characters between your 2 linked accounts. But you need to have a Master account regrouping (for management only, not for playing) your 2 accounts.
Reminder for everyone about moving characters between accounts:
  • What I can say is that in 2015, it was possible to regroup your accounts under a "master account".

    This is NOT merging your accounts but only makes possible to manage them all with the same username and PW.

    Then, with the Paid Character Transfer option on your account page (1200 FC points per character moved), you could move a character from one account under the Master account to another also under the Master account and only if both accounts are active at that time.
    AO Character Transfer
    This service will let you move an Anarchy Online character between accounts that are active and under the same master account.
    In game, you still keep dual-logging possibilities because each account keeps its own login and PW. It's only account management that has a common username and PW.
So, let's be clear: unless you have way more than 3 accounts, you can't consider being self-sufficient for any situation (if you need a tank, a mezzer, and a doc for example, and I'm not talking of Multi-Boxing here). But you can be for most, with your current setup.

If you go with 2 docs, one on each account, it's fine because you'll have the heals you need to go solo something (unless you also need a tank). Doc buffs are usually easily available in AP, so having a buffing doc is not really necessary.

While leveling and twinking, you will probably want a trader able to buff you or at least an agent with the False Professions required for classic buffs (possibly in addition of your normal agent). When you hit Title 7 or 220, in most case, you won't need the trader anymore EXCEPT for twinking weapons that are not your usual profession weapons (buff weapons for example). Another exception is that a MP may need a trader to cast the Tier 3 Rihwen. One again, you will likely find the buffs in AP but not necessarily "instantly".

So I'd say your Trader can stay where he is and your engineer too.

But about the "buffing machine" agent with classic RK buffs, I would have it on your support account. It doesn't need to be very high nor very well equipped. So moving your main agent is not an interesting option at all.

I think your current setup works. You can just have a buffing mid-level agent (can even be a froob account BTW) that is independent of your 2 linked and principal accounts.
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Re: Seeking advice on how Accounts are divided

Post by Shomedamoni »

Wow, awesome replies. Especially Chris, thanks for all the time dedicated to that.

I have 11 total slots on each account, I also just made a new Froob account. Although it was just pointed out to me it's possible to buff characters on the same account, so my need for that is way down. not sure the trick will work with fgrid but will try once I do the quest. (The trick is to emergency logout the target and then quickly log in the buffer to cast before the first goes away.)

I can't find where to merge accounts, I created the new Froob account under my master account and sent customer service a request for a "how-to" merge the other account.

AP, Alliance, and Clans in general are all great for buffing and other help. I play the off hours a lot so sometimes there's just no one around for buffs, I'm particularly addicted to HnQ for low level it turned my NT into a tank :biggrin:

Also thanks to everyone who was online when I posted this and gave their advice. Between everyone I feel a lot better about my plans and will have more fun with less stress :cool:.
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Re: Seeking advice on how Accounts are divided

Post by Chrisax »

As I said, I'm speaking of 2015. I'm unsure if the Master account thing is still offered. I couldn't find it either while searching to write my answer.
Mini Leet
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Re: Seeking advice on how Accounts are divided

Post by Shomedamoni »

I missed out:
Thank you for contacting Funcom Customer Support!

I'm sorry, but at this time our account system does not support the merging of multiple Funcom accounts into a single master Funcom account. We are also not able to merge multiple game accounts into a single account, even if they are associated with the same master Funcom account. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and am very sorry we weren't able to fulfill this request for you.
Mini Leet
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Re: Seeking advice on how Accounts are divided

Post by Denni »

what i did before i got my first 220, was to get my most hated toon to 216-217 and then i desided to make a toon i thought i would like, and that was MP, only because i really liked how the pet looked.

then i opened my 2nd acc and made a engi (again for the pets) and engi is the best soloer atm,
easy to farm money with and are good to have in teams/raids.

can solo new meds on all my 220s, so if u need some help with what u wanna make as a 220, send me a tell and i try to help u to find what u might like
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