website for bebbot
if **AFTER** you have read the installation and have issues send me tell
after get it up and working go to
%bebot install location%\BeBot\modules\ao
rename AlienAttack.php to _Alienattack.old
Create new txt doc copy and paste the following into it and save it as
AlienAttack.php in %bebot install location%\BeBot\modules\ao\
Code: Select all
* TowerAttack.php - Handle Alien attack events.
* BeBot - An Anarchy Online & Age of Conan Chat Automaton
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jax
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Thomas Juberg Stensås, ShadowRealm Creations and the BeBot development team.
* Developed by:
* - Alreadythere (RK2)
* - Blondengy (RK1)
* - Blueeagl3 (RK1)
* - Glarawyn (RK1)
* - Khalem (RK1)
* - Naturalistic (RK1)
* - Temar (RK1)
* See Credits file for all aknowledgements.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* File last changed at $LastChangedDate: 2008-11-30 23:09:06 +0100 (Sun, 30 Nov 2008) $
* Revision: $Id: AlienAttack.php 1833 2008-11-30 22:09:06Z alreadythere $
$alienAttack = new AlienAttack($bot);
The Class itself...
class AlienAttack extends BaseActiveModule
Hands over a referance to the "Bot" class.
function __construct(&$bot)
parent::__construct(&$bot, get_class($this));
$this -> bot -> db -> query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . $this -> bot -> db -> define_tablename("org_city", "true") . "
time INT,
action VARCHAR(10),
player VARCHAR(15))");
$this -> register_command('all', 'city', 'GUEST');
$this -> register_alias("city", "cloak");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "org");
$this -> help['description'] = "Shows information and history pertaining to the city and city controller.";
$this -> help['command']['city'] = "- See description";
$this -> help['command']['cloak'] = "- See description";
$this -> register_event("logon_notify");
$this -> register_event("timer", "city");
$classid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class("CityWarning", "Notify class used by the AlienAttack module.");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 60, "", "in one minute");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 300, "", "in five minutes");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 900, "", "in 15 minutes");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 1800, "", "in 30 minutes");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 3600, "", "in one hour");
$classid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class("CityWarningSpam", "Notify class used by the AlienAttack module.");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 300, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 600, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 900, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 1200, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 1500, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 1800, "", "");
$classid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class("CityCloakReady", "Notify class used by the AlienAttack module.");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 60*60, "", "");
$classid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class("CityCloakReminder", "Notify class used by the AlienAttack module.");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 60*15, "", "");
$classid = $this->bot->core('timer') -> create_timer_class('AlienWaveNotify', 'Notify used by the AlianAttack module');
$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
$this -> delete_cloak_reminder();
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "Spam", "none", "Should the bot spam to gc or tells (on logon) or both?", "none;gc;tell;both");
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "Channel", "gc", "Into which channel should any output about alien attacks and city changes be send?", "gc;pgmsg;both");
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "PublicTimer", false, "Should a public timer in addition to the periodic spam be created on cloak up and down?");
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "CloakReminder", TRUE, "Should the bot send a reminder every 15mins if the cloak is still disabled?");
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "WaveNotify", TRUE, "Should a bot spam alien wave notify to gc?");
$setting = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('AlienAttack', 'Spam');
if($setting == "tell" || $setting == "both")
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT time FROM #___org_city WHERE action = 'off' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
if($result[0][0] > time() - 1800)
$this -> spam = TRUE;
//FIXME: Add delete Timer for reminder once timer repeat fixed.
function timer($name, $prefix, $suffix, $delay)
$name = explode(" ", $name);
$type = $name[1];
$name = $name[0];
$channel = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "Channel");
if($type == "spam")
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##red##Warning##end##: Alien Raid in City is in Progress. Please dont enter the city", $channel);
if($delay == 0)
$this -> spam = FALSE;
elseif($type == "cloak")
if($delay == 0)
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Cloaking device was disabled one hour ago. It is now possible to enable it again.", $channel);
elseif($delay != 3600)
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Cloaking device is disabled. It will be possible to enable it again ".$suffix, $channel);
if($delay == 60)
if ($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "CloakReminder"))
$this -> timerid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, "city", 60*15, " cloakr", "internal", 60*15, "CityCloakReminder");
elseif($type == "cloakr")
if($delay == 0)
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Cloaking device is still disabled.", $channel);
elseif($type == "cloakready")
if($delay == 0)
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Cloaking device has been enabled one hour ago. Alien attacks can now be initiated.", $channel);
} elseif ($type == "alienwave") {
if($delay == 0) {
if (((int)$name) < 8) {
$this->bot->send_output('','Wave #'.$name.' has landed',$channel);
} elseif (((int)$name) == 8) {
$this->bot->send_output('','Wave #'.$name.' has landed. General on next wave.',$channel);
} elseif (((int)$name) == 9) {
$this->bot->send_output('','General has landed.',$channel);
This gets called on a tell with the command
function command_handler($name, $msg, $origin)
return $this -> city_blob();
Makes the battle results
function city_blob()
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT time, action, player FROM #___org_city ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0, 12");
if (!$result)
return "No city events found in database.";
$city = "##blob_title##::::: Recent City Attacks :::::##end##\n\n";
foreach ($result as $res)
$city .= "##blob_text##Time:##end## " . gmdate($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("Time", "FormatString"), $res[0]) . "\n";
if ($res[1] == "attack")
$city .= "City was attacked.\n";
else if ($res[1] == "on")
$city .= $res[2] . " turned cloaking ##highlight##on##end##.\n";
else if ($res[1] == "off")
$city .= $res[2] . " turned cloaking ##highlight##off##end##.\n";
else if ($res[1] == "hq")
$city .= $res[2] . " destroyed the ##highlight##HQ##end##.\n";
else if ($res[1] == "house")
$city .= $res[2] . " destroyed a ##highlight##building##end##.\n";
else if ($res[1] == "payment")
$city .= "City payment warning.\n";
$city .= "\n";
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT time, action FROM #___org_city WHERE action = 'on' OR action = 'off' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
if (empty($result))
$avilmin = 0;
$avilsec = 0;
$status = "enable";
$status2 = "disable";
$ttchange = true;
$avilmin = date("i",3600-(time()-$result[0][0]));
$avilsec = date("s",3600-(time()-$result[0][0]));
if ($result[0][1] == "on")
$status = "enable";
$status2 = "disable";
$status = "disable";
$status2 = "enable";
if($result[0][0] > (time() - 3600))
$ttchange = true;
$ttchange = false;
$state = "The cloaking device is ##highlight##" . $status . "d##end##.";
$state .= $ttchange ? "" : " It is now possible to ##highlight##" . $status2 . "##end## it. ";
$state .= $ttchange ? " It will be possible to ##highlight##" . $status2 . "##end## it in ##highlight##" . $avilmin . "##end## minutes and ##highlight##" . $avilsec . "##end## seconds. " : "";
return $state . $this -> bot -> core("tools") -> make_blob("City History", $city);
This gets called on a msg in the group
function gmsg($name, $group, $msg)
if ($name == "0")
$channel = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "Channel");
$action = "none";
$player = "";
if (preg_match("/Your radar station is picking up alien activity in the area surrounding your city./i", $msg))
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Alien attack incoming! Beware!", $channel);
else if (preg_match("/Your city in (.+) has been targeted by hostile forces./i", $msg, $info))
$action = "attack";
$zone = $info[1];
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Our city in ".$zone." is about to be under attack! 0MGZ RUN!!!!", $channel);
else if (preg_match("/(.+) turned the cloaking device in your city off./i", $msg, $info))
$action = "off";
$player = $info[1];
$setting = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('AlienAttack', 'Spam');
if ($setting == "gc" || $setting == "both")
$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, "city", 1860, $player." spam", "internal", 0, "CityWarningSpam");
$this -> spam = TRUE;
$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, "city", 60*60+1, $player." cloak", "internal", 0, "CityWarning");
$this -> delete_cloak_reminder();
if ($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "PublicTimer"))
$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, $player, 60*60 + 1,
$this -> bot -> core("shortcuts") -> get_short($this -> bot -> guildname) . "'s cloak can be enabled again",
"gc", 0, "CityWarning");
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## turned the cloaking device in our city ##highlight##off##end##!", $channel);
/*** Wave stuff ***/
if ($this->bot->core("settings")->get('AlienAttack', 'WaveNotify')) {
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", 5*60 + 1, "1 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+2)*60 + 31, "2 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+4)*60 + 31, "3 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+6)*60 + 31, "4 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+8)*60 + 31, "5 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+10)*60 + 31,"6 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+12)*60 + 31,"7 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+14)*60 + 31,"8 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+16)*60 + 31,"9 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
else if (preg_match("/(.+) turned the cloaking device in your city on./i", $msg, $info))
$action = "on";
$player = $info[1];
$this -> delete_cloak_reminder();
$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, "city", 60*60+1, $player." cloakready", "internal", 0, "CityCloakReady");
if ($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "PublicTimer"))
$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, $player, 60*60 + 1,
$this -> bot -> core("shortcuts") -> get_short($this -> bot -> guildname) . "'s cloak can be disabled again",
"gc", 0, "CityWarning");
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## turned the cloaking device in our city back ##highlight##on##end##!", $channel);
else if (preg_match("/(.+) initiated removal of the organization headquarters in (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
$action = "HQ";
$player = $info[1];
$zone = $info[2];
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## is removeing our HQ in ##highlight##".$zone."##end##! Our city... will.. *sobs* destroyed!! *starts crying*", $channel);
else if (preg_match("/(.+) removed the organization headquarters in (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
$action = "HQ removed";
$player = $info[1];
$zone = $info[2];
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## has removed our HQ in ##highlight##".$zone."##end##! We are now homeless street urchin people!! *crys even harder*", $channel);
else if (preg_match("/(.+) initiated removal of a (.+) in (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
$action = $info[2]." removal initiated";
$player = $info[1];
$zone = $info[3];
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## is removing a ".$info[2]." at our city in ##highlight##".$zone."##end##.", $channel);
else if (preg_match("/(.+) removed a (.+) in (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
$action = $info[2]." removed";
$player = $info[1];
$zone = $info[3];
$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## removed a ".$info[2]." at our city in ##highlight##".$zone."##end##.", $channel);
else if (preg_match("/^The upkeep for your organization housing has not been paid./i", $msg))
$action = "payment";
$player = "";
$action = "unknown";
$player = $msg;
//$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Something wierd is going on, and I don't know what it is!", $channel);
if ($action != "none")
$this -> bot -> db -> query("INSERT INTO #___org_city (time, action, player) VALUES
(" . time() . ", '" . $action . "', '" . $player . "')");
function delete_cloak_reminder()
$reg_timer = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> list_timed_events("city");
if (!empty($reg_timer))
foreach ($reg_timer as $timer)
if (strtolower($timer['name']) == 'cloakr' || strtolower($timer['name']) == ' cloakr')
$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> del_timer("city", $timer['id']);
function notify($name)
$setting = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('AlienAttack', 'Spam');
if ($this -> spam && ($setting == "tell" || $setting == "both"))
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "##red##Warning##end##: Alien Raid in City is in Progress. Please dont enter the city");